Hybrid Photonic Integration Platform for Sensor Technology and Analytics
The basis for this is provided by the development of a wide wavelength range from 400nm to 1650nm and the interaction of polymer and silicon nitride-based optical waveguides in combination with the hybrid integration capability. The performance of the PolyChrome platform will be demonstrated on six demonstrators (e.g. for analytical procedures in the fields of environment and life sciences).
The core competencies of the 12 partners from the RUBIN alliance PolyChrome cover the entire value chain necessary for the establishment of the technology platform and its commercial exploitation.
Simple Measurement of Blue-green Algae Concentration and Vitamin D Content with Light
"The world will enjoy our solutions", the participants agree, and identify some problems that can affect every "normal consumer"; for example, in summer, when bathing waters are closed due to infestation of blue sites. With a small, compact and financially affordable measuring device, bathing facility operators would be able to determine the health hazard to which they are exposed in the shortest possible time and prevent unnecessary closures.
The vitamin D test for home use would also be useful, as a deficiency of this vitamin causes serious illness. In general: If the blood analysis can be replaced by the simpler saliva analysis, the self-test and thus the personal monitoring of one’s own health and fitness status would be possible in many other areas as well.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
About the RUBIN Alliance PolyChrome
Under the coordination of micro resist technology GmbH, a consortium of 12 partners with the joint project "PolyChrome Berlin – Photonic Integration Platform for Sensory and Analytical Applications in a Wide Wavelength Range – Berlin" has successfully applied for a concept phase in the context of the call for proposals "RUBIN – Regional Entrepreneurial Alliances for Innovation" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The RUBIN alliance PolyChrome Berlin is dedicated to one of the most important key technologies and future-oriented industries in photonics by establishing a technology platform for the realization of hybrid optical components that will be used, for example, in sensor technology or analytics. These innovative photonic components are technological prerequisites not least for the comprehensive digitization of society and industry 4.0.
Visit for more information www.polyphotonics-berlin.de
The following companies and institutes belong to the RUBIN alliance PolyChome:
- ADVA Optical Networking SE
- Allresist GmbH
- Chembio Diagnostics GmbH
- Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie
- LEONI Fiber Optics GmbH
- Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
- micro resist technology GmbH
- Scienion AG
- TOPTICA eagleyard
- VPIphotonics GmbH
TOPTICA eagleyard has developed, produced and distributed high power laser diodes since 2002 – the key components for laser systems of the next generation. These semi-conductor laser diodes resulted from research achievements of the renowned Ferdinand Braun Institute and the Leibniz Institute for High Frequency Technology and are in the meantime manufactured on an industrial scale. Meanwhile our rapidly growing company, which was founded in the capital city of Berlin in 2002, has achieved a leading market position with high performance laser diodes with wavelengths of 630 to 1120 nm. Customers all over the world integrate laser diodes "made by eagleyard" into their systems. They are used in industry, the life sciences, aerospace, defense technology, and research. The rigorous focus on the completely different customer requirements specific to each industry has contributed to the steady growth of our company, which is certified in accordance with ISO9001:2015.
eagleyard became part of the TOPTICA Photonics group in February 2013. In June 2020 TOPTICA Photonics rebranded its daughter company eagleyard Photonics into TOPTICA eagleyard.
TOPTICA Photonics AG
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E-Mail: jan.brubacher@toptica.com