IDSA Accelerates Gaia-X with the Data Spaces Concept
An infrastructure for data exchange
Gaia-X debuted at the Digital Summit 2019. IDSA has been very active in Gaia-X from day one and is a founding member of the Gaia-X AISBL, the organization’s not-for-profit association, with several IDSA staff members holding key administrative and technical roles.
Gaia-X AISBL is developing so-called federated services as the basis for an interoperable data infrastructure for Europe. These are based on common standards and a guarantee of transparency and trustworthiness. Technical implementation depends on having the IDS standard as a market-ready starting point with a five-year development lead to accelerate the timeline.
IDS standard as access code for data economy
The IDS standard defines how protected data spaces can be set up and how the access points to such a data space must be designed.
"As an open standard, IDS In this way IDS guarantees data security for all parties involved in the exchange of sensitive and valuable data sets, ensures a level playing field and enforces data sovereignty with technical measures”, says Lars Nagel, CEO of IDSA. "It’s the access code unlocking a new economy in which data can be used for new products, services and efficiencies, safely and securely."
IDSA at the Pan-European GAIA-X Summit
The next phase of GAIA-X will be unveiled at the Pan-European Gaia-X Summit,November 18 and 19, by Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Peter Altmaier, French Minister of Economics, Finance and Reconstruction, Bruno Le Maire, and EU Commissioner Thierry Breton.Boris Otto, IDSA board member and director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST, will present the concept of data spaces as enablers of cross-domain business models. Other IDSA members will present use cases from the mobility, energy, finance and industry 4.0 sectors.
The Pan-European Gaia-X Summit is an open event. The participation is free of charge. https://events.talque.com/….
The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) has defined a reference architecture and a global standard for creating and operating virtual data spaces. The IDS Architecture is based on commonly recognized data governance models facilitating secure exchange and easy linkage of data within business ecosystems. IDSA is a non-profit association with currently more than 120 members from numerous companies, organizations and research institutes across 20 countries.
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