KISTERS 3DViewStation V2020.1 enhancements include: distance and band analysis plus hierarchical explosion
Design departments must make important decisions in advance of the manufacturing process based on 3D data. If safety-relevant distance specifications between two components is not observed, this can have serious consequences. Errors that are discovered after the development is completed, result in subsequent changes and high costs. It is therefore, highly important to visualize and verify the minimum and maximum distances in the form of distance bands at an early stage in the development process. “With just one click, the band analysis function allows the user to identify critical distances between individual components or assemblies by coloring the components according to user-defined distance values. Not only two, but up to six bands are supported.” Kelly Baumann, KISTERS North America Business Development Manager stated. The band analysis also stores the result bands as independent objects in the structure tree. In addition, the 3DViewStation calculates high-resolution band geometries and creates the ideal balance between calculation time and quality, in contrast to other solutions available on the market.
The development team also increased the value of 3DViewStation’s hierarchical explosion function. “With this version, it is possible, depending on the selection of the subassemblies, to explode individual parts of an assembly rather than the entire model.” Baumann added. “Version 2020.1 also includes a new, easy-to-use and comprehensive ‘Online Help Center’ (https://viewer.kisters.de/…).”
V2020.1 Upgrades Include:
New and updated file formats:
Import 3D: Acis 2020, Catia V5-6R2020, Creo 7, Inventor 2021, JT 10.3
Import 2D: CATIA V6 / 3DExperience R2020x, ProE / Creo Parametric 7.0, NX: NX 1911, NX 1915, NX 1919
New and updated functions and features:
New setup – matching setup for all products
Online Help Center – replaced the PDF tutorials: https://viewer.kisters.de/help
New clash and clearance function: distance band analysis
New: angle measurement between projected lines
New: apply profile to existing views
New: export selected views as files
New: color adjustment with RGB and hex value
New in VR-Edition: save model to .3DVS file
Enhanced: faster distance calculation between Solids
Enhanced: hierarchical explosion
Enhanced: volume and open shell calculation
Enhanced: VSXML loading speed
Enhanced: output window (progress / information / general)
Minimum system requirements were changed
Discontinuations: DGN is no longer supported
Known for its modern user-interface, high performance viewing, advanced analysis and integration capabilities into leading systems, 3DViewStation ships with current and mature importers for a broad range of 3D and 2D formats including i.e. Catia, NX, Creo, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Inventor, JT, 3D-PDF, STEP, DWG, DXF, DWF, MS Office and many more.
The latest developments of 3DViewStation can be reviewed in more detail at: https://www.3dviewstation.com/blog.html.
According to Baumann, the KISTERS 3DViewStation is continuously enhanced in response to customer needs and requirements. It is available as Desktop, ActiveX, VR-Edition and HTML5 WebViewer product-versions. All product flavors are intended to be used together with a PLM, ERP or other management system product configuration or service and spare part applications, providing all necessary APIs. For cloud, portal and web-solutions, there is an HTML5-based WebViewer solution available, which does not require client installation. All file formats can be used in combination with the intelligent navigation and hyperlinking features to address needs of complex integration scenarios.
25 years success in the market with superior visualization solutions from desktop to mobile has proven KISTERS to be one of the top players in the visualization industry. Clients ranging from small firms to well-known multinationals, 3DViewStation’s easy-to-use interface is suitable for all user groups and 100% customizable to each individual’s specific requirements. More than 3,000 customers and over 200,000 installations worldwide. In addition, KISTERS offers expert advice and support in concept development based on client requirements.
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52076 Aachen
Telefon: +49 (2408) 9385-0
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E-Mail: sales-viewer@kisters.net
2D/3D Viewer
Telefon: +49 (2408) 9385-171
Fax: +49 (2408) 9385-555
E-Mail: Germar.Nikol@kisters.de