New cooperation: ETIM Deutschland & CADENAS will jointly provide BIM data for ETIM MC
In a first step, already available Modeling Classes are implemented as MC templates based on CADENAS technology. In a second step, missing MCs will be identified, worked out and their MC templates extended.
Advantages for architects & planners: New BIM library with free 3D BIM CAD models for planning
In their cooperation agreement, CADENAS and ETIM Deutschland have also agreed to publish a comprehensive, manufacturer-neutral BIM library based on the ETIM standard as a PARTcommunity download portal and on the ETIM Deutschland website. It is expected that architects and planners will have free access to manufacturer-neutral 3D BIM CAD models in all common BIM formats for their BIM projects from March 2021.
The focus will be on electrical engineering, electronics and the relevant ETIM Modeling Classes.
Advantages for component manufacturers: ETIM classified products can be easily enriched with BIM information
The close cooperation between CADENAS and ETIM Deutschland enables component manufacturers to add easily and quickly BIM planning data to their products already classified according to ETIM. More information can be found here in the CADENAS News.
Furthermore, component manufacturers can individualize their ETIM MCs with minimal effort thanks to CADENAS technology. For this purpose, the ETIM classified products can be extended by several levels of geometric detail (Level of Geometry, short: LOG), further standards or connection and sustainability information. You can find further information here.
"We will present the advantages and details of the new cooperation together with CADENAS at the ETIM Deutschland general meeting, which will take place online on November 25, 2020. It is important to us that both ETIM members and manufacturers who are not officially represented at ETIM Deutschland benefit from the cooperation with CADENAS and the freely accessible standard," emphasizes Thorsten Ludewig, Chairman of ETIM Deutschland e.V.
"ETIM Deutschland and CADENAS are thus making an important joint contribution to supporting the practical application of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) planning method for new building projects in Germany and in other countries," says Markus Poppinghuys, CADENAS expert for 3D BIM catalogs and ETIM as well as Manager of the CADENAS Solutions GmbH branch in Essen, Germany.
More information about ETIM at: www.etim-international.com
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