RRI2SCALE – Responsible Research and Innovation Ecosystems at Regional Scale for Intelligent Cities, Transport and Energy
RRI2SCALE’s point of departure is the identification of how Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is currently integrated within regions. Our pilot regions are Hordaland in Norway, Overijssel in Netherlands, Kriti in Greece and Galicia in Spain. In particular, we investigate what the key constituting elements of territorial R&I ecosystems are, what citizens think of the way RRI and R&I ecosystems interact and what their suggestions for future improvements are. This insight is triangulated with future trends on smart and intelligent cities, transport and energy as key drivers for regional sustainable development and growth (identified via Delphi), to result in techno-moral scenarios depicting potential R&I trajectories and consequent impacts on policy, socioeconomic and environmental level.
Our project outcomes will support the basis for the elaboration of Regional Agendas and Roadmaps. All activities, outcomes and impacts will be closely monitored by the RRI2SCALE Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, which will include a set of customised indicators for mapping the impact pathways between regional innovation and RRI. All project results, together with a training compendium on how to perform the project activities, will form the RRI2SCALE Toolkit for replication by other territories.
The RRI2SCALE consortium consists of 11 partners and started in January 2020. Research and Innovation Management GmbH (RIM) www.rim.eu.com is the leader of the first Work Package that is setting the scene for RRI2SCALE. The RRI2SCALE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement nº 872526.
For more details please visit: www.rri2scale.eu
Research and Innovation Management GmbH is a privately owned enterprise that plans and develops pioneering research and innovation projects. We address the future-oriented structuring of research and innovation in order to assist other entities in overcoming new challenges. Drawing on both internal and external experts, Research and Innovation Management GmbH provides practitioners with proven and ground-breaking knowledge to explore and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities. We manage innovative processes with a unique set of services in order to deploy the creative capabilities of all involved resources. We conduct interdisciplinary research covering a diverse set of different themes. Our portfolio draws on a variety of academic disciplines across the fields of management, education, business, economics and financing. The practical implications for management and business practitioners are fundamental to our research. Our services range from joint research collaborations, seminars and workshops to long-term consulting projects and implementation support.
Research and Innovation Management GmbH
Marktplatz 7A
A3371 Neumarkt an der Ybbs
Telefon: +43 (664) 4212920
E-Mail: rri2scale@rim.eu.com