SLS group acquires leading US supplier for radiopharmaceutical logistics, Associated Couriers Inc.
Matt Silverberg, CEO Associated Couriers: “We are extremely happy to join the SLS group, giving us the power to drive the further growth of the business, both in North America and on an international scale. Additional resources will enable AC to go for further investments in strategic development areas, but also to look for M&A-options completing the AC strategy fulfilment”.
Thomas Lang, CEO SLS group: “The whole SLS-family is fascinated by the power and engagement of Matt Silverberg and the AC-team in developing the company and growing the business. But we also share the same core values and visions, which turns AC into the perfect match as the US-based accelerator for our global strategy in specialised life science logistics services”.
About Associated Couriers:
Associated Couriers Inc., founded in 1997 in St. Louis (MO), is a courier and delivery service provider specialised in the radiopharmaceutical and e-commerce sector, today covering 38 US states with 15 logistic hubs and more than 100 employees. Showing yearly growth rates beyond 20%, AC will shortly pass a turnover of $ 30 million per year.
About SLS group:
SLS group is an international group of specialized logistics service operators focussed on customized priority logistics, based on two main operational pillars: Life Science (i.e. Stem Cells, Pharmaceutical) and Industrial (i.e. Automotive, Aircraft on Ground, High Tech). The group operates locations in Germany, Czech Republic, Romania and the United States and employs more than 300 people.
Samedaylogistics is the worldwide brand for industrial emergency transports. Founded in 1996 and located next to Europe’s largest cargo airport Frankfurt (Main), Samedaylogistics offers a comprehensive emergency logistics portfolio including Air Charter, Onboard Courier, Express Airfreight, Time Critical Freight and Dedicated Road, mainly addressing Industrial Clients. The company runs a 24/7 operation 365 days of the year.
Samedaylogistics is part of the SLS group, an international group of specialized logistics service operators focussed on priority/customized logistics, based on two main operational pillars: Life Science (i.e. Stem Cells, Pharmaceutical) and Industrial (i.e. Automotive, Aircraft on Ground, High Tech). The group operates locations in Germany, Czech Republic, Romania and the United States and employs more than 300 people.
SLS Group GmbH
Mörfelder Str. 9
D-65451 Kelsterbach
0049 6107 50 51 25
Samedaylogistics GmbH
Mörfelder Str. 9
65451 Kelsterbach
Telefon: +49 (6107) 505125
Telefax: +49 (6107) 505133
Telefon: +49 (6107) 505129