TrendSet Winter 2021 takes place in Febrary!
TrendSet Winter 2021 will be postponed to 20 – 22 February 2021. The current situation and the forecasts until the end of the year make this decision necessary.
"We would have liked to organize TrendSet on the scheduled date in January. But due to the latest political decisions it is not possible. Now, we are concentrating our efforts on the new date from 20 to 22 February 2021 in order to offer the industry the familiar platform for product experience and order security. Which is in the interest of our exhibitors and trade visitors," states Tatjana Pannier, Managing Director of TrendSet. With a date in February, exhibitors will be able to present the trends for spring and summer 2021 and the new products for Christmas 2021 in 15 Interiors & Lifestyle Fair Areas and four Topic Areas in good time befor the start of the season." TrendSet is also checking on an alternate date in March.
TrendSet Winter 2021:
"We would have liked to organize TrendSet on the scheduled date in January. But due to the latest political decisions it is not possible. Now, we are concentrating our efforts on the new date from 20 to 22 February 2021 in order to offer the industry the familiar platform for product experience and order security. Which is in the interest of our exhibitors and trade visitors," states Tatjana Pannier, Managing Director of TrendSet. With a date in February, exhibitors will be able to present the trends for spring and summer 2021 and the new products for Christmas 2021 in 15 Interiors & Lifestyle Fair Areas and four Topic Areas in good time befor the start of the season." TrendSet is also checking on an alternate date in March.
TrendSet Winter 2021:
TrendSet – 117th Trade Fair for Interiors, Inspiration and Lifestyle
from Saturday, 20 February to Monday, 22 February 2021
at Messe München (Munich Exhibition Centre).
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
TrendSet GmbH
Ismaninger Straße 63
81675 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 46224650
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