Fahrzeugbau / Automotive

World rail innovation with fuel cell drive from Proton Motor

Hydrogen as an environmentally friendly energy carrier is also an asset for the railways – and not only for passenger transport. Exhaust-free cleantech innovations are needed for rail maintenance. The world first rail milling train with hydrogen fuel cell drive is based on the technology development of the Bavarian fuel cell expert "Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH" (www.proton-motor.de). The lead project "MG11 H2" of the world market leader for rail milling machines, the Upper Austrian "Linsinger Maschinenbau Gesellschaft m.b.H.". (www.linsinger.com), has now been officially presented to the media as well as to well-known representatives from business and politics at a ceremony at the company headquarters in Steyrermuehl.

For the first special track construction machine of this kind, Proton Motor supplies a tailor-made hydrogen fuel cell system with 214 kW installed fuel cell power consisting of two fully redundant systems of 107 kW. The high-performance MG11 H2 milling machine features a purely electric travel drive, with the working units also dispensing entirely with hydraulics. Linsinger rail milling machines, which have always been powered by diesel engines, provide an answer to the ever stricter regulations regarding the environmental factors of exhaust gases and noise pollution. Especially in underground railway tunnels, the new machine type based on future-oriented alternative energy supply represents an improvement from an ecological point of view in favour of the desired CO2 neutrality. In addition, the health risk to the operating crew on the track should also benefit from the emission-free milling concept, which eliminates dust pollution.

About Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH (www.proton-motor.de):

With more than 20 year of experience, the internationally active Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH is Germany’s expert for energy solutions with cleantech technologies and a specialist in fuel cells in this field. Located in Puchheim near Munich, Proton Motor, offers complete fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid systems from its own production – from development to production to the implementation of customer-specific solutions. Proton Motor focuses on stationary applications such as back-up power and energy storage solutions, as well as mobile solutions such as back-to-base applications. The solutions can also be applied in the maritime and rail sectors. The product portfolio includes basic fuel cell systems, standard complete systems and customised systems. The product portfolio includes basic fuel cell systems, standard complete systems and customised systems. The official commissioning of the new fuel cell stack machine to start the series production took place in September 2019.

Proton Motor is active in the stationary sector for customers in the IT, telecommunications, public infrastructure and healthcare sectors in Germany, Europe and the Middle East with power supply solutions for DC and AC demand. In addition to power supply, SPower product range also offers solutions for solar systems and a new product line for the storage of solar energy. Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, with currently 93 employees under the management of Dr. Faiz Nahab is a wholly-owned subsidiary of "Proton Motor Power Systems plc" (www.protonpowersystems.com) with headquarters in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. The company has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since October 2006 ticker symbol: "PPS" / WKN: A0LC22 / ISIN: GB00B140Y116).


Über die Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH

Die Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH (www.proton-motor.de) ist Experte für Industrial Fuel Cells, Brennstoffzellen- und Hybridsysteme mit mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung in diesem Sektor. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Puchheim bei München bietet komplette Brennstoffzellen bzw. -Hybridsysteme aus einer Hand – von der Entwicklung und Herstellung bis zur Implementierung maßgeschneiderter Lösungen. Der Fokus des Brennstoffzellen-Experten liegt auf Back-to-Base-Anwendungen beispielsweise für Gabelstapler oder Stadtbusse sowie auf stationären Lösungen. Das Produktportfolio besteht aus Basis-Brennstoffzellensystemen PM Basic, Standard-Komplettsystemen PM Package z. B. als Batterieersatz, sowie maßgeschneiderten Systemen PM Turnkey. Proton Motor ist 100- prozentige Tochter von "Proton Motor Power Systems plc" (www.protonpowersystems.com). Das Unternehmen ist seit Oktober 2006 mit dem Aktienpapier "PPS" an der Londoner Börse notiert (Tickersymbol: "PPS" / WKN: A0LC22 / ISIN: GB00B140Y116).

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH
Benzstr. 7
82178 Puchheim
Telefon: +49 (89) 1276265-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 1276265-99

M.A. Ariane Günther
Telefon: +49 (89) 127 62 65-96
E-Mail: a.guenther@proton-motor.de
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