ZETTLER® becomes EZ CARE® – the new standard in healthcare communication
“As a developer and manufacturer of hospital communication systems, we are already one of the market leaders,” emphasises Til Mittlmeier, one of the two managing directors of CCS Care Communication Solutions GmbH, a company founded in 2018. “ZETTLER Medicall 800 has earned us a strong worldwide base of customer satisfaction, we which are working constantly to maintain and expand.”
“The new EZ CARE brand consistently reflects the well-established, innovative values of our products,” adds Dr Daniel Farrenkopf, the other managing director. “EZ CARE meets the most stringent safety requirements. It also simplifies processes, lowers costs and assures a safer investment. Our core values are: integrity, customer satisfaction, commitment, innovation and sustainability. After the rebranding, our existing customers will of course continue to be served locally by their current contact partner.”
By continuing a brand that is already established in the market, EZ CARE will benefit right from the outset from a widely distributed product platform which is used every day in over 12,500 healthcare facilities in 35 different countries – representing over 1,200,000 beds.
CCS GmbH has its head office in Vienna, as well as branches in Munich, Paris, Madrid, Milan, Brighton and Abu Dhabi. The products are shipped around the world via the company’s internal distribution and logistics centre in Vienna. Customers benefit from an experienced international network of sales and service outlets. The annual turnover for the 2020 business year is projected to reach 13 million Euro.
“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health systems all around the world are facing a tough challenge – and we want to do our bit in helping them to succeed,” emphasises Til Mittlmeier. “EZ CARE enables our customers to deploy their nursing staff more efficiently, optimise their workflows and reduce the risk of infection. The demand for this kind of solution is constantly increasing because of cost pressures and staffing shortages – and that started even before the Coronavirus pandemic. The world is facing new challenges – and CCS is at the ready!”
CCS Care Communication Solutions GmbH was founded in 2018 and has its head office in Vienna, with branches in Munich, Paris, Madrid, Milan, Brighton and Abu Dhabi. The company employs over 40 people and commands a worldwide network of sales and service outlets. As manufacturer and developer of the well-known ZETTLER Medicall 800® communication system, CCS is able to draw on an extensive existing customer base, with systems already installed in over 12,500 healthcare facilities in over 35 different countries, representing 1.2 million beds. Following the split-off from Johnson Controls, this will now be used for the new EZ CARE® brand.
EZ CARE stands for integrated communication solutions in hospitals, psychiatric facilities, rest homes and nursing homes, as well as prisons. Dr Daniel Farrenkopf and Til Mittlmeier are the managing directors of CCS, an innovative company which at the same time remains in touch with its traditions.
Schrack Seconet Care Communication Germany GmbH
Plinganserstr. 150
81369 München
Agentur Wortschatz
Telefon: +49 (2334) 580-439
E-Mail: e.beck@wort-schatz.org
CCS Care Communication Solutions GmbH
Telefon: +49 (89) 354754-2436
E-Mail: t.mittlmeier@carecom-solutions.com