Do You Like Pizza?
Under Covid- 19 conditions, this general meeting took place online for the first time. This raised special challenges for the elections of the Executive Board and Advisory Board.
In a test vote, the members were asked “if they like pizza”. After this poll was answered correctly and clearly, it was determined that the online voting was feasible and documentable. After the formal requirements have been confirmed, the election of the Executive Board and the Advisory Board could be carried out.
The new President is Karl Heinz Belser from Johnson Controls. He has been an active member of the Executive Board since the founding of the BACnet Interest Group.
Thomas Kurowski, Siemens, was elected as Vice President. Frank Schubert, Beckhoff Automation, is the Treasurer. Both have been working in the Advisory Board of the BACnet Interest Group for a long time. Nils Gunnar Fritz, mbs GmbH, was confirmed in the Executive Board for another two years. Willem van der Werf, Honeywell, was newly elected to the Executive Board.
Elected to the Advisory Board were…
Christoph Zeller, Sauter, Chairman of the Advisory Board
Salvatore Cataldi, Belimo, Chairman Working Group Technique
Jürgen Keller, Geze, Vice Chairman Working Group Technique
Roland Schönebeck, Hailo Digital Hub, Chairman Working Group Marketing
Dan Napar, BACnet Interest Group France
Florian Muss, Romutec
The Advisory Board is added with the Sponsor Representatives …
Francesco Genchi, Johnson Controls
Timo Pihlajasaari, Honeywell
Kai Rohrbacher, Siemens
Congratulations to the new Executive Board and Advisory Board and good luck for the next two years.
The BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) promotes the use of the global BACnet communication standard ISO 16484-5 in building automation and security technology in Europe. It was founded in 1998 by 18 building automation companies and today has over 130 members from various European countries and the USA. The goals of the BIG-EU are, on the one hand, the representation of European interests in the further development of the BACnet standard, the exchange of information with the ASHRAE committee responsible for BACnet SSPC 135 as well as the cooperation with other organizations of building automation and facility management. The activities include joint marketing, training and qualification offers as well as the development of technical guidelines.
More information at www.big-eu.org.
BACnet Interest Group Europe
Aachener-und-Münchener-Allee 9
52074 Aachen
Telefon: +49 241 88970-124
Telefax: +49 241 88970-999
Präsident / President
E-Mail: karl-heinz.belser@jci.com
Schatzmeister / Treasurer
E-Mail: f.schubert@beckhoff.com