Iranian Para athlete Hamid Eslami suspended for anti-doping rule violation
The Para athletics T11 runner returned an adverse analytical finding for a prohibited substance in a urine sample provided on 17 August 2019 in an out of competition test.
The substance was EPO (Erythropoietin), which is included on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) 2019 Prohibited List under the class S2. Peptide Hormones, Growth Factors, Related Substances and Mimetics.
As a result of the violation, Eslami will be ineligible for competition for four years from 14 October 2019 to 14 October 2023.
“Eslami was part of a Registered Testing Pool, a group of top-level athletes in specific Paralympic sports who take part in a year-round out-of-competition testing programme,” James Sclater, IPC Anti-Doping Director, said. “The IPC has conducted more targeted out of competition tests on athletes as part of our increased investment in anti-doping activities.”
Sclater added:
“Athletes should be aware that even though competitions have been limited during the COVID-19 pandemic, the IPC continues its out of competition testing programme, especially in the lead up to the Paralympic Games in Tokyo.”
Each athlete is strictly liable for the substances found in his or her sample. An ADRV occurs whenever a prohibited substance (or its metabolites or markers) is found in his or her bodily specimen, whether or not the athlete intentionally or unintentionally used a prohibited substance or was negligent or otherwise at fault.
As a signatory of the WADA Anti-Doping Code (WADC), the IPC remains committed to a doping-free sporting environment at all levels. The IPC, together with the International Federations and the National Paralympic Committees, established the IPC Anti-Doping Code (ADC) to prevent doping in sport for Paralympic athletes, in the spirit of fair play. The IPC ADC is in conformity with the general principles of the WADC.
International Paralympic Committee
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