RAMPF fördert die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden seiner Mitarbeitenden
„Bei RAMPF steht der Mensch im Mittelpunkt. Mit unserem betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement tragen wir wesentlich zur Umsetzung dieses Anspruches bei, indem wir unsere Mitarbeitenden unterstützen, gesund, leistungsstark und kreativ zu bleiben“, so Michael Rampf, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der RAMPF-Gruppe.
Mit der Auszeichnung “Gesunder Arbeitgeber/Gesundes Unternehmen“ wird bestätigt, dass RAMPF die Themen Arbeitsschutz, psychische Gefährdungsbeurteilung und DGUV II (Unfallverhütungsvorschrift) nachweislich umsetzt sowie Maßnahmen im betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement und zur Gesundheitsförderung der Belegschaft anbietet.
Das in 2016 an den deutschen Standorten eingeführte RAMPF-Gesundheitsmanagement umfasst unter anderem Veranstaltungen und Vorträge zu gesundheitsrelevanten Themen, Gymnastikkurse und Massagen in der Mittagspause sowie die kostenlose Bereitstellung von Obst und Mineralwasser. Darüber hinaus haben Mitarbeiterende die Möglichkeit, in ausgewählten Fitnessstudios kostenlos zu trainieren.
The RAMPF Group stands for engineering and chemical solutions and caters to the economic and ecological needs of indus-try.
The range of competencies includes:
> production and recycling of materials for modeling, lightweight construction, bonding, and protection;
> technical production systems for precise, dynamic positioning and automation, as well as technologies for complex composite parts production;
> comprehensive range of solutions and services, particularly for innovative customer-specific requirements.
With this know-how, RAMPF helps its customers to achieve profitable and sustainable growth.
The Group secures its presence on the international markets with 800 employees and six core competencies:
> RAMPF Machine Systems based in Wangen (Göppingen), Germany, develops and produces multi-axis positioning and moving systems, trunk machines, and basic machines based on high-precision machine beds and machine bed components made from alternative materials.
> RAMPF Production Systems based in Zimmern o. R., Germany, develops and produces mixing and dispensing sys-tems for bonding, sealing, foaming, and casting a wide variety of materials. The company also offers a wide range of automation skills relating to all aspects of process engineering.
> RAMPF Composite Solutions based in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, is a holistic composites supplier to companies in the aerospace and medical industries. The company offers a complete suite of services including composite part de-sign and engineering, metal-to-composite conversion engineering, and composite manufacturing to very tight toleranc-es.
> RAMPF Eco Solutions based in Pirmasens, Germany, develops chemical solutions for the manufacture of high-quality alternative polyols from PU and PET waste materials. This expertise is also put to use in the planning and construction of customer-specific facilities for manufacturing polyols.
> RAMPF Polymer Solutions based in Grafenberg, Germany, develops and produces reactive resin systems based on polyurethane, epoxy, and silicone. Its product portfolio includes liquid and thixotropic sealing systems, electro and en-gineering casting resins, edge and filter casting resins, and adhesives.
> RAMPF Tooling Solutions based in Grafenberg, Germany, develops and produces board and liquid materials for cutting-edge modeling and mold engineering. The range of skills includes made-to-measure services and products such as pastes, large-volume and full-size castings for Close Contour models, and prototyping systems.
RAMPF has subsidiaries in Germany, the U.S., Canada, Japan, and China.
All RAMPF companies are united under a holding company – RAMPF Holding GmbH & Co. KG – based in Grafenberg, Germa-ny.
RAMPF Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Albstraße 37
72661 Grafenberg
Telefon: +49 (7123) 9342-0
Telefax: +49 (7123) 9342-1111
Telefon: +49 (7123) 9342-1041
Fax: +49 (7123) 9342-2041
E-Mail: pr@rampf-group.com