technotrans presents Group strategy 2025: revenue from 265 to 285 million euros and transition into one brand
"If there is a challenge or customer-specific enquiry in the area of thermal management, we develop and manufacture the better solution – that is our vision," says Michael Finger, Spokesman of the Board of Management of technotrans SE. "As part of the strategy 2025, we are removing the boundaries between the Group companies and transform technotrans into a larger, stronger entity. This will create synergy effects and efficiency gains." The company intends to implement its strategy in two phases. While the focus in the coming years 2021 and 2022 will be on stability and profitability, the period from 2023 to 2025 will be about profitable growth through targeted investments.
The specific measures include the creation of one single technotrans brand in the coming year. The Group will no longer be present in the form of several individual entities, but as one large company with a broad range of services in the field of thermal management. This does not apply to gds GmbH, which will remain part of the Group with its own brand as a full-service provider of all aspects of technical documentation. technotrans will already begin merging selected companies from 2021. This involves merging klh Kältetechnik GmbH with technotrans SE and Reisner Cooling Solutions GmbH with gwk Gesellschaft Wärme Kältetechnik mbH. The company locations will be retained.
Customer-oriented process optimization
In the course of developing its strategy, technotrans conducted extensive surveys of customers, users and investors in order to obtain a precise picture of their requirements and needs. Based on these feedbacks, the company will streamline its organizational structures in the areas of sales, service, production and purchasing in order to shorten response times and optimize processes. The declared goal is to generate sales of between 265 and 285 million euros by 2025 through organic growth with an EBIT margin of 9 to 12 percent. In the case of suitable acquisitions, the sales target increases depending on the size of the purchase. The Group is also introducing a return on capital employed (ROCE) target which is expected to be over 15 percent by 2025. The forecast for the 2021 financial year envisages revenue in a range of EUR 195 to 205 million with an EBIT margin of 4.5 to 5.5 percent.
technotrans remains active in its existing areas of business, with a clear focus on four key markets – including three growth markets. These are Plastics (plastics manufacturing and processing), Energy Management (including e-mobility solutions for rail and road applications as well as thermal management solutions for data centres), Healthcare & Analytics and Print. technotrans intends to maintain its market leadership in the still significant base business print and raise existing potential for innovation within the industry by focusing on this area.
More sustainability and new corporate design
The aspect of sustainability is gaining in importance and is being consistently expanded. This applies not only to the continuous development of energy-efficient technologies, but also to the Group itself: By 2025, technotrans aims to obtain 100 percent of its electricity from renewable resources and to use only purely recyclable packaging material. In connection with the changes, technotrans will present itself visually in a new look at the start of 2021: In addition to the introduction of a new corporate design including the new logo, the Group is also carrying out a comprehensive website relaunch, which will go live in January.
"This strategy and its actions join the successful diversification that took place from 2009 to 2018. The task now is to strengthen the cohesion and the economic and technological clout of the entire Group," says Michael Finger. The company’s forecasts remain subject to the proviso that no significant Corona-related restrictions are imposed by the authorities in the coming year. technotrans is nevertheless optimistic about the next five years. "We have presented a realistic and binding growth strategy that is linked to corresponding key performance indicators. Together with the entire technotrans Group, all its employees and their skills and experience, we will successfully shape the company’s future," emphasises Michael Finger.
technotrans is a technology company and leading systems supplier of industrial applications in the area of fluid management. The core skills of the Group of companies comprise technological solutions for cooling and temperature control, filtration, handling, measuring and metering.
technotrans technology is used in the printing industry, plastics processing industry, laser and machine tool industry as well as in other markets such as medical and scanner technology, and electric mobility.
The business model comprises two reporting segments: in the Technology segment, the products and systems are developed and built at production plants in Germany, the USA and China. Through the Services segment, the technotrans Group supplements its range of products with a comprehensive range of services such as installation and maintenance, repairs, parts and Technical Documentation. With 17 locations, technotrans has a presence in all important major markets worldwide.
The strategy of the Group of companies is to increase the value of the company over the long term through sustained revenue and earnings growth. Through technological innovations and targeted acquisitions, the Group of companies is steadily opening up new sales markets and increasing its market penetration.
technotrans is listed in the Prime Standard (ISIN: DE000A0XYGA7 / WKN: A0X YGA) and employs more than 1,400 people worldwide. It achieved consolidated revenue of EUR 207.9 million in the 2019 financial year.
technotrans SE
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