
Ubisoft Appoints Belén Essioux-Trujillo to its Board of Directors

Today, Ubisoft’s Board of Directors co-opted Belén Essioux-Trujillo as a new independent Director, following a recommendation from the Board’s Nomination, Compensation and Governance Committee. She replaces Virginie Haas, who resigned following her appointment as Ubisoft’s Chief Studios Operating Officer.

The ratification of Belén Essioux-Trujillo’s appointment will be proposed at Ubisoft’s next annual general shareholder meeting. If confirmed, she will serve for the remainder of Mrs. Haas’ original term, which lasts until the 2023 annual general shareholder meeting. Belén Essioux-Trujillo is currently Head of Human Resources for L’Oreal’s Professional Products division. Throughout her career, she has held several senior HR positions in leading global companies, including PSA Group, Danone, and Hermès. Between 2012 and 2016, she served as Group Head of Human Resources and was a member of the Executive Committee at Kering.

“Belén will bring to Ubisoft’s Board the solid operational experience and perspective that she has developed in large international companies, where she has successfully contributed to their teams’ growth and nurturing of talent,” said Yves Guillemot, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of Ubisoft. ”As an authority in human resources, she will provide the Board with sharp, expert views and direction on related topics, which are of paramount importance to Ubisoft. “Finally, the Board reaffirms its commitment to have a majority of independent Directors by the next annual general meeting, subject to shareholder approval.”

Yves Guillemot concluded, “On behalf of Ubisoft’s Board of Directors, I offer our warmest thanks to Virginie Haas for her contribution to the work of the Board over the last three years.”

Belén Essioux-Trujillo Biography

A graduate of ICADE in Economics and Laws in 1990, Belén began her career at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) where she spent two years. Belén then held several key Human Resources roles in international companies: overseeing European HR affairs for PSA Group (1993 – 1998), directing careers development for Valeo (1999 – 2000), heading International Mobility for Danone (2000 – 2004) and leading the HR function at Hermès Industrial division (2005 – 2008), Hermès Sellier (2008 – 2012). Between 2012 and 2016, she served as Group Head of Human Resources, member of the Executive Committee at Kering. Since 2019, Mrs. Essioux-Trujillo serves as Senior Vice President Human Resources Professional Products Division at L’Oréal. A Spanish citizen, Mrs. Essioux-Trujillo is aged 54.

Über die Ubisoft GmbH

Ubisoft is a leading creator, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment and services, with a rich portfolio of world-renowned brands, including Assassin’s Creed®, Far Cry®, For Honor®, Just Dance®, Watch Dogs®, Tom Clancy’s video game series including Ghost Recon®, Rainbow Six® and The Division®. The teams throughout Ubisoft’s worldwide network of studios and business offices are committed to delivering original and memorable gaming experiences across all popular platforms, including consoles, mobile phones, tablets and PCs. For the 2019-20 fiscal year, Ubisoft generated net bookings of €1,534 million. To learn more, please visit:

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