Webinar on obtaining DO-178B/C-Certification Credit (Webinar | Online)
AbsInt: Invitation to Webinar on obtaining DO-178B/C-Certification Credits from Sound Static Program Analyzers
On Tuesday, December 15, we invite you to our live webinar on Obtaining DO-178 B/C Certification Credits from Sound Static Program Analyzers. The webinar is free and takes place in association with our NA distributor Joral Technologies.
The focus of the presentation is on sound abstract-interpretation–based analyzers, e.g. for computing safe bounds on stack usage and worst-case execution time, checking coding guidelines, and proving the absence of runtime errors for C/C++ programs.
The talk concentrates on the DO-178C standard and the supplementary norms DO-333 and DO-330. We review the requirements of DO-178C/DO-333, from High-Level Requirements to requirements for verification of Executable Object Code. We investigate which aspects can be covered by static analysis methods and give an overview of the different AbsInt analyzers alongside the precise verification objectives addressed by each of them, in annotated views of the verification goal tables (FM-)A-3 through (FM-)A-6.
[*]Cross-domain overview of functional safety requirements
[*]Methodology overview — static analysis
[*]Structure and objectives of DO-178C
[*]The formal methods supplement DO-333
[*]Software development standards
[*]Review of DO-178C/DO-333 verification goals from HLR to EOC
[*]Example tools and applications
[*]DO-330 and tool qualification
The talk will be given by Daniel Kästner (CTO of AbsInt), who will available for a Q&A at the end. We offer the free webinar in two time slots: 9:00–10:00 CET and 17:00–18:00 CET. Please register by writing to info@absint.com, indicating your preferred time slot and your affiliation.
AbsInt provides cutting-edge development tools for embedded systems with a focus on validation, verification, and certification of safety-critical and security-relevant software. Key products include static analysis tools to check coding guidelines, for timing and stack usage analysis, and to detect critical programming defects in C/C++ code, as well as the formally verified compiler CompCert. You’ll find a broad range of tool presentations on our YouTube channel, including information on our current product release 20.10.
Eventdatum: Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2020 09:00 – 10:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH
Science Park 1
66123 Saarbrücken
Telefon: +49 (681) 383600
Telefax: +49 (681) 3836020
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