World Premiere OTEC SF-HP
The new SF-HP has a modern design and is developed to round edges on large workpieces and to polish, smooth and deburr the surface. Therefore, we can cover the surface finishing needs of your entire product range in the best possible way. The compact design allows easy integration into your production.
Repeatable high-quality surfaces are guaranteed by the proven Streamfinish-Technology. The unique, patented pulse finishing process for best processing results is also integrated in the new SF-HP. Economical processing of large and heavy workpieces is now a reality!
Innovations of the SF-HP
- Increase in size of the workpieces that can be processed up to 650 mm diameter and 650 mm length
- Increase in weight of the workpieces up to 200 kg
- Integrated automation solution for holding, machining and workpiece change
- New user interface for simple and intuitive operation with proven Multi Touch colour display
- Due to the large number of axis settings of the process head and the spindle, almost any flow through process media of the workpiece surface is possible
Advantages of the OTEC Machine
- Short process times for high efficiency thanks to enormous machining forces and high flow speeds
- Wide range of processing depending on workpiece requirements: smoothing, high-gloss polishing, edge rounding and deburring
- Intuitive operation via a 15" Multi Touch colour display
- Ergonomic machining of large and heavy workpieces thanks to the integrated automatic loading (without external automation)
- Simple container changing enables multi-step processes with different media
Benefits for your workpiece
- The tribological surface properties are improved, which means friction and abrasion are reduced
- Highest surface qualities down to the smallest geometry
Our process for your workpieces
Our OTEC Finishing Center develops a process specially adapted to your workpiece and your application. Agree your personal appointment directly in order to be present at your sample processing.
Die OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH bietet Präzisionstechnologie für die Erzeugung perfekter Oberflächen. Maschinen von OTEC zum Glätten, präzisem Kanten verrunden, Polieren und Entgraten dienen zur rationellen Oberflächenveredlung verschiedenster Werkstücke. Mit einem Netz aus internationalen Handelspartnern ist OTEC weltweit kundennah vor Ort vertreten. Verschiedenste Branchen wie Werkzeugindustrie, Automobilindustrie, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Medizintechnik sowie die Uhren- und Schmuckbranche profitieren vom umfassenden Know-how des Technologieführers OTEC in der Entwicklung des perfekten Zusammenspiels von Maschine und Verfahrensmittel.
OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 24
75334 Straubenhardt
Telefon: +49 (7082) 4911-20
Telefax: +49 (7082) 4911-29
Telefon: +49 (7082) 491125
E-Mail: c.wasserbaech@otec.de