Die Kraft der High Fantasy: Q&A-Video mit Entwicklerteam von King’s Bounty II
Das Q&A-Video auf YouTube: https://youtu.be/wFYZbK8WGZc
King’s Bounty II wird um taktische rundenbasierte Schlachten erweitert und bietet den Spielern ein wirklich beeindruckendes RPG-Erlebnis, das jeder Entscheidung Gewicht verleiht – unabhängig davon, ob sie eine Armee in den Kampf gegen leblose Schrecken führen oder Beziehungen zu den Einheimischen aufbauen. Abenteurer erleben in King’s Bounty II eine faszinierende Welt, die Realismus und Fantasie vereint, voller spannender Geschichten, unvergesslicher Charaktere sowie zahlreicher moralischer Entscheidungen!
Die Spieler übernehmen die Rolle eines von drei Helden – jeder eine Persönlichkeit mit eigenem Hintergrund – und erleben ein nichtlineares Abenteuer in einer offenen und lebendigen Fantasiewelt. In zwei Phasen unterteilt, durchqueren die Spieler das Reich aus der 3rd-Person-Perspektive, nehmen spannende Quests auf, erkunden die unberechenbare Wildnis und lernen die Menschen kennen, denen sie im Verlauf des Spiels begegnen. Wenn es jedoch zu Konflikten kommt, wechselt die Perspektive zu einem taktischen, rundenbasierten Kampf. Die Spieler müssen dann ihre Einheiten geschickt einsetzen, um zu gewinnen. Das Spiel wird auf PlayStation® 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch und PC veröffentlicht.
Weitere Details zu King’s Bounty II sind verfügbar unter www.kingsbounty2.com.
About 1C
1C Entertainment is an international group with offices located in Warsaw, Gdansk, Prague, Budapest and Moscow and operating in the segments of game production, distribution and services for video game developers. The company releases video games for all platforms through its global network of partners digitally and in retail. 1C Entertainment has successfully launched over 100 game titles including critically acclaimed series – IL-2 Sturmovik, King’s Bounty, Men of War and Space Rangers. Recent releases include such games as Ancestors Legacy, Deep Sky Derelicts, Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark, Ion Fury and Secret Government (in Early Access). For more information about 1C Entertainment and their games, please visit the official 1C Entertainment website www.1cpublishing.eu.
The Koch Media Group is a global developer, publisher and distributor of video games, VR games, gaming hardware and merchandise.
The group’s publishing activities, marketing and distribution extend throughout Europe, America, Australia and Asia. Koch Media has more than 25 years of experience in the digital media business and has risen to become a leading global publishing partner. The Koch Media Group runs a multi-label strategy with fully owned publishing units such as Deep Silver, Milestone, Vertigo Games and Ravenscourt which publish games for consoles, PC and VR platforms across all physical and digital channels.
Additionally, as global publishing partner Koch Media has formed long-term multi-national publishing collaborations with numerous game publishers including Bethesda, Capcom, Codemasters, Konami, Koei Tecmo, Sega, Square Enix, Warner Bros and many others. With its parent company in Höfen, Austria, and the Publishing HQ in Munich, Germany, Koch Media owns local publishing companies in Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Australia, the United States as well as Japan and Hong Kong.
The Koch Media Group owns seven game development studios: Deep Silver Volition (Champaign, IL / USA), Deep Silver Dambuster Studios (Nottingham / UK), Deep Silver Fishlabs (Hamburg / Germany), Warhorse Studios (Prague / Czech Republic), Milestone (Milan / Italy), Voxler (Paris / France) and Vertigo Games (Rotterdam /The Netherlands). Additionally, the Koch Media Group collaborates with numerous independent development studios around the world.
Part of the Koch Media Group is also Koch Films, a European independent film distributor with business primarily in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy as a cinema, TV, online and Home Entertainment distributor. The Koch Media Group also owns Gaya Entertainment, a leading video game merchandise company in Munich, Germany, and the Quality Assurance Facility in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Koch Media is an Embracer Group company.
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