Fraport Traffic Figures 2020: Passenger Numbers Fall to Historic Low Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Fraport AG’s executive board chairman, Dr. Stefan Schulte, commented: “The year 2020 brought extreme challenges to the entire aviation industry. In Frankfurt, passenger volumes dropped to a level last seen in 1984. Cargo traffic was one of the few bright spots, reaching almost the same level as in 2019 – despite the loss of “belly freight” capacity on passenger aircraft. Aviation played a vital role in ensuring the supply of essential medical goods to the world’s population, particularly during the first lockdown.”
Aircraft movements at Frankfurt Airport contracted by 58.7 percent year-on-year to 212,235 takeoffs and landings in 2020. Accumulated maximum takeoff weights (MTOWs) shrank by 53.3 percent to about 14.9 million metric tons. In comparison, cargo throughput (airfreight + airmail) registered a relatively minor dip of only 8.3 percent year-on-year to just under 2.0 million metric tons.
In December 2020, FRA’s passenger traffic slumped by 81.7 percent to 891,925 travelers. With 13,627 takeoffs and landings, aircraft movements declined by 62.8 percent compared to December 2019. MTOWs were down 53.6 percent to about 1.1 million metric tons. Cargo throughput grew by 9.0 percent to 185,687 metric tons in December 2020, rising for the third consecutive month.
Looking forward, CEO Schulte said: “Because of the recent launch of vaccination programs throughout many countries, we are optimistic that travel restrictions will be gradually lifted beginning in the spring. Therefore, we expect Frankfurt’s passenger traffic to rebound noticeably in the second half of 2021. Nevertheless, we have to realize that a difficult year lies ahead of us. While we are confident passenger traffic will exceed last year’s level, we still expect Frankfurt to reach only 35 to 45 percent of the 2019 level.”
Fraport’s international portfolio also hit by sharp traffic declines
Across the Group, the airports in Fraport’s international portfolio also recorded a sharp decline in passenger traffic during 2020. However, the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the individual Group airports to varying degrees over the months. At times, regular passenger operations were even suspended at some airports (Ljubljana, Antalya and Lima). In addition, wide-ranging travel restrictions affected most of the Group airports beginning in the spring.
Traffic at Slovenia’s Ljubljana Airport (LJU) fell by 83.3 percent last year to 288,235 passengers (December 2020: down 93.7 percent). The Brazilian airports of Fortaleza (FOR) and Porto Alegre (POA) together received about 6.7 million passengers, representing a 56.7 percent decrease year-on-year (December 2020: down 46.2 percent). Peru’s Lima Airport (LIM) reported a 70.3 percent slide in traffic to around 7.0 million passengers (December 2020: down 61.6 percent).
Serving a total of about 8.6 million passengers in 2020, the 14 Greek regional airports experienced a 71.4 percent plunge in traffic (December 2020: down 85.3 percent). Combined traffic at the Twin Star airports of Varna (VAR) and Burgas (BOJ) on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast decreased by 78.9 percent to about 1.0 million passengers (December 2020: down 69.7 percent).
Antalya Airport (AYT) in Turkey registered a 72.6 percent decline in traffic to about 9.7 million passengers (December 2020: down 69.8 percent). Last year, Russia’s Pulkovo Airport (LED) in St. Petersburg saw traffic drop by 44.1 percent to about 10.9 million passengers (December 2020: down 38.5 percent). Xi’an Airport (XIY) in China achieved a slight recovery in the course of the year, following a strong reduction in traffic during the spring. In 2020, XIY registered about 31.0 million passengers – a 34.2 percent decrease year-on-year (December 2020: down 14.8 percent).
One of the leading players in the global airport business, Fraport AG offers a wide range of operational and management solutions based on over 95 years of aviation expertise. Fraport’s portfolio of companies spans four continents with activities at 31 airports worldwide. In fiscal year 2019 (Dec. 31), Fraport generated sales of €3.7 billion and profit of about €454 million. More than 182 million passengers in 2019 used airports around the world in which Fraport has at least a 50 percent stake. Impacted by the Covid-19 global pandemic, Fraport’s majority-owned Group airports welcomed only 52 million passengers in 2020. In its Mission Statement, Fraport places the focus on its customers. The Group’s commitment to ensuring a "good trip" to all passengers and travelers is also reflected in its corporate slogan: "Gute Reise! We make it happen". This applies to all of Fraport’s business activities and services at Germany’s largest aviation hub in Frankfurt and the Group’s airports worldwide.
At its Frankfurt Airport (FRA) home base, Fraport welcomed more than 70.5 million passengers and handled 2.1 million metric tons of cargo (airfreight and airmail) in 2019. Only 18.8 million passengers traveled through FRA in 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Cargo volumes still reached nearly 2.0 million metric tons in 2020. A leading hub in the global air transportation system, FRA continues to be one of Europe’s most important aviation gateways both in terms of passenger traffic and cargo tonnage.
Frankfurt Airport City has become Germany’s largest job complex at a single location, employing approximately 81,000 people at some 450 companies and organizations on site. Almost half of Germany’s population lives within a 200-kilometer radius of the FRA intermodal travel hub – the largest airport catchment area in Europe. FRA also serves as a magnet for other companies located throughout the economically vital Frankfurt-RMN (Rhine-Main-Neckar) region. Thanks to synergies associated with the region’s dynamic industries, networked expertise, and outstanding intermodal transportation infrastructure, FRA’s world route network enables Germany’s export-oriented businesses to flourish in global markets. Likewise, FRA is a key gateway for companies wanting to access the huge European marketplace. Thus, Frankfurt Airport – which is strategically located in the heart of Europe – is one of the most important hubs in the global logistics chain.
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