
imc AG continues to improve according to Fosway 9-Grid™ analysis

The independent analyst Fosway has introduced their latest report about Learning Systems. The imc Learning Suite rises the third year in a row and ranks among the top Core Leaders.

The latest analysis of the Fosway Group in the field of Learning Systems has been published today. Fosway ranks imc’s Learning Management System as a Core Leader in the 2021 Fosway 9-Grid for Learning Systems, reflecting consistent growth and progress over the last three years on this high level.

In 2019, imc was ranked as a Core Challenger, improved 2020 to a Core Leader, and was in 2021 able to rise further in this category with increasing trajectory. Core Leaders highlight a very good track record of enterprise win rate, customer delivery and advocacy.

“imc continues to show strong growth and success in the Learning Systems market, both in DACH, across Europe and beyond.” Said David Wilson, CEO of Fosway Group. “It has always been an innovator but is now showing that on a wider enterprise stage, as well as its ability to deliver customer success.”

imc’s CEO Christian Wachter praises the team for the steady improvements: “We are very honoured with the result and our position among the best competitors worldwide. The team did a really great job here and our strategy of holistic and individual learning journeys and client-oriented technologies pays off. We will continue working on our learning analytic tools and hopefully make it to the Strategic Leaders in the future.”  

Additional information

The full issue of Fosway [LINK] with the figures for 2021 can be found here.

About Fosway Group

Fosway Group is Europe’s #1 HR Industry Analyst focused on Next Gen HR, Talent and Learning. Founded in 1996, we are known for our unique European research, our independence and our integrity.
For over 20 years, we have been analysing the realities of the market, and providing insights on the future of HR, Talent and Learning. Fosway analysts work extensively with our corporate clients to understand the inside story of the challenges they are facing, and their real experiences with next gen strategies, systems and suppliers. Our independent vendor analysis also provides a vital resource when making decisions on innovation and technology.

Über Scheer IMC

With more than 20 years of experience, twelve international locations and 300 employees, imc is the leading pro-vider of digital education and professional development programmes. Experts in strategy, technology and e learning content work hand in hand to offer holistic and tailored e-learning solutions – worldwide. Founded as a university spin-off at Saarland University, imc provdes holistic support to more than 1,200 companies, public and educational institutions from all sectors and of all sizes in the planning and implementation of digital training strat-egies.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Scheer IMC
Scheer Tower/Uni-Campus Nord
66123 Saarbrücken
Telefon: +49 (681) 9476-0
Telefax: +49 (681) 9476-530

Kerstin Steffen
Head of Global Marketing & Communications
Telefon: +49 (1522) 1809606
Nadine Kreutz
Communications Manager
Telefon: +49 (681) 9476-513
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