Monitoring systems in the „Smart Nurses Station“
There were numerous challenges during development. The user interface had to be intuitive and easy to use so that all caregivers could use it quickly and easily. The nurse station typically has to manually collect critical battery and component information from the facility’s medical carts. This functionality should be integrated and the new platform should support real-time notifications to provide timely status updates on patients and medical devices.
The iCAP™ platform from Innodisk was used as a solution. It offers an intuitive dashboard with easy-to-use management functions and is available anywhere, even off-site. The iCAP™ client gathers comprehensive device information to ensure that all devices are running normally and have not failed, and the iCAP™ dashboard enabled integration into nursing systems, for example to trigger automatic warnings when patients press the help button. The complete system is designed in such a way that other medical devices with the relevant parameters can also be easily integrated. It offers the necessary protection for critical information and reduces the risk of possible security breaches.
With Innodisk’s intelligent cloud monitoring solution, the new intelligent nurse station enables employees to quickly access important patient and device data, reducing the need for manual work and inspection. Thanks to the adaptations made by Innodisk, the customer was able to use the iCAP™ platform to collect information on all devices, thereby considerably simplifying the management and maintenance of the devices.
Innodisk Europe B.V.
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NL5623CB Eindhoven
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Telefon: +49 (7083) 933745
E-Mail: edgar.huber@marcom360.de