Wireless sensors from CapTemp with unique features and innovative in terms of real-time synchronization and security
Some customers requested the development of specific algorithms that allowed a greater accuracy in reading time and that also had a security system that did not allow the manipulation of data. The security process involves reading, collecting and storing data on our cloud platform "SensLIVE".
- Real-Time clock synchronization (CapTemp AST ä):
When multiple wireless devices communicate in the same spatial area, packet collisions can occur. To avoid this CapTemp developed AST (AiroLOG Synchronization Technology) that can be found on our wireless sensors.
This technology allows:
– Scenarios with dozens of wireless sensors in the same spacial area
– Every single wireless communicating in parallel without packet loss
– Sensor measurements (Temperature, Humidity, etc) occur exactly in the same moment
– Resolution in milliseconds, allowing measurements be precise to the second
This technology allows no discrepancies in the readings and all sensors are synchronized at the same time. In this way, companies can have an accurate view of what happened in their equipment. This feature is an extremely important tool in monitoring products stored in the laboratory, where record accuracy is a critical point.
- Security transmission (CapTemp DVSS ä);
CapTemp Data Validation Security System (DVSS) is a technology that guarantees that any kind of manipulated data is detected.
This technology is applied to database and source code and features:
– Double asymmetric keys system
– Symmetric cryptography
– Strong hashing technologies
– Source code integrity can be checked on user interface
– User is warned of existing manipulated data
– Exportable certified reports reveals existence of manipulated data
The implemented technologies allow the entire monitoring system to comply with the following standards and regulations:
- FDA CFR 21 Part 11 – Protection of records and data
- FDA 21 CFR Part 203 – Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT)
- Canada GUI-0069
- European Standard EN12830:2018
- Welmec 7.2 (2017)
A Portuguese company, CapTemp develops monitoring, supervision and IoT remote control systems with IP sensors to ensure the safety of environmentally-sensitive environments as well as manage the consumption of resources such as water, gas and electricity. Pioneers of metrology software for monitoring temperatures, the company provides custom remote monitoring and management solutions to a diverse range of industries including healthcare, food & retail, transportation and logistics, agricultural and animal growth, data centers and business corporations. CapTemp USA based in New Hampshire serves as the US market. For more information, visit https://www.captemp.com
CapTemp, Lda
Rua Dr. José António Varela Pinto, 1A – Z. I. da Formiga
P3100-513 Pombal
Telefon: +351 (236) 244422
E-Mail: carlos@captemp.com
Engineering Contact
E-Mail: geral@captemp.com