Artificial intelligence at its best: BoxPC EC-3200 from iBASE
BoxPC for real deep learning applications
Today’s edge- and cloud-based AI products require better computing and video analysis skills in order to perform sophisticated real-time data processing and to overcome latency problems. The EC-3200 is a long lasting solution with a fanless design for uninterrupted operation. It takes advantage of the Jetson™ TX2’s GPU-accelerated parallel processing to handle data-intensive and mission-critical workloads with high energy efficiency and unmatched reliability. This makes it ideal for real deep learning applications
Energy efficient and reliable even in harsh industrial environments
The EC-3200 is designed for an extended temperature range from -20° C to +60°C. With its low power consumption, the NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 is 25 times more energy efficient than other state-of-the-art desktop graphics processors. This excellent performance allows real-time processing with little bandwidth consumption. Despite its compact dimensions, the EC-3200 has 8 GB LPDDR4 memory and 32 GB eMMC. HDMI, Gigabit Ethernet, two USB 3.0 and two USB 2.0 ports are available as I/O interfaces. On the housing there is a DB9 connection for RS232 or CAN bus, a micro USB slot and an external 10-pin GPIO connection. Two M.2 expansion sockets are available for expansion with optional SSD storage (2280 Key-M) and WAN modules (3042 Key-E). The operating system is based on a specially made Ubuntu 16.04 with Jetpack 3.2.1 and L4T 28.2.
Further information: https://www.distec.de/en/products/embedded-systems/detail/ibase/ec-3200/
Distec’s products are available at:
Europe: Distec GmbH, Germering, https://www.distec.de/en/ UK and Benelux: Display Technology, Huntingdon, https://www.displaytechnology.co.uk
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Videos are available in Distec’s Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DataDisplayGroup
markets innovative solutions and a wide range of components, TFT displays, embedded boards, systems and services. The innovative solutions from assemblies and kits to OEM products are based on hardware and software developed by Distec in its own design centre in Germering. Distec’s range of services includes customized developments and adaptations, product refinements – e.g. the VacuBond® optical bonding – and assembly of monitor systems as well as the manufacture of finished products. A wide range of touch screens and the internal Touch Competence Centre enable individual touch solutions even for difficult environmental conditions. In addition, Distec GmbH has access to products, services and know-how of the large FORTEC high-tech company network. Further information can be found under https://www.distec.de/en/
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