
Energy-efficient cleaning and treatment systems in the printing industry

What printers need are modern cleaning methods and technologies that comply with increasingly strict environmental and industrial safety regulations and conform to the idea of sustainable environmental protection.

Cleaning methods

The ink residues on the press parts are dissolved or chemically destroyed through the action of the washing agent and then removed by the mechanical force of the spray or high-pressure jet. Suitable washing agents include solvents, water-based, alkaline agents or special cleaners. The type of cleaning equipment and cleaning technology are determined by the shape and quantity of the parts to be washed and by the type of soiling. The perfect combination of washing agent and cleaning technology ensures that residues are quickly and effectively dissolved and removed from the surfaces.

Recovery of used washing agent through distillation

After washing, the contaminated washing agent is vaporized in the distillation unit with the help of modern heating technology. The vapors liquefy in the condenser, and the distillate flows into a separate container. The solids that remain in the distillation boiler are discharged at the end of distillation and disposed of in accordance with the applicable regulations.

State-of-the-art equipment includes load cells that weigh the medium in the distillation boiler; processed by an intelligent control system, the signals of these cells provide important process information and permit a fully automated distillation process.

Distillation greatly reduces the quantity of residue to be discharged. More than 90% of the original washing agent can be recovered and reintroduced into the cleaning process. The high recovery rate, the supply of clean washing agent with minimal transport requirements, and the highly reduced quantity of dischargeable residue are important factors that contribute to active environmental protection.


The necessary improvement of climate protection and pollution control calls for a more restrictive use of substances and processes that produce emissions. In the printing industry, efforts to this end focus on the technology used to clean press parts.

If they are used in conjunction with automatic cleaning equipment, the treatment and recovery systems form a closed circuit and ensure more effective environmental protection and better health protection for equipment operators.

Über die RENZMANN GmbH

D.W.RENZMANN Apparatebau GmbH is a medium-sized company headquartered in Rhineland-Palatinate, founded in 1969. RENZMANN designs and manufactures washing machines and solvent distillation units, particularly for the printing and paper processing industry and the paint and varnish industry.

Core competence of RENZMANN is the removal of strong adherent contaminations and handling of flammable organic solvents or aggressive alkaline cleaning media used for cleaning

Besides developing, designing, manufacturing and marketing our equipment, we also offer service and consulting services with a focus on
– profitable solutions,
– high availability and durability
– safety at work and the protection of operating staff
– and environmental protection.

RENZMANN is certified according to the European Explosion Proof Guideline ATEX and market leader in its segment.

The following products and service are available:

– Washing machines for printing unit parts, anilox rollers, sleeves, gravure cylinders and ink pumps
– Washing machines for ink mixing containers and transport containers
– Distillation units for soiled solvents and water-based cleaners
– Customized specific solutions for cleaning – and recovery tasks
– Maintenance, spare part supply and security checks
– Consulting on complete washing room solutions, the right choice of washing agent from an economic and ecologic point of view, support of conversation with authorities and ATEX risk assessments and analyses.

RENZMANN is represented by a worldwide network of approx. 75 agencies and distributors.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Industriestraße 1
55569 Monzingen
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-0
Telefax: +49 (6751) 878-111

Heike Beenen
Marketing & Sales
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-290
Fax: +49 (6751) 8785291
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