ISO Software Systeme named one of Bayerns Best 50 companies
Bayerns Best 50 is an annual award of the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy for medium-sized companies in Bavaria that have grown particularly strongly in terms of sales and number of employees. The ISO Software Systeme has made it into the illustrious circle of Bayerns Best 50 in 2020.
Baker Tilly GmbH & Co. KG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (auditing firm), as an independent juror, determines the award winners according to objective criteria that include:
– owner-managed company based in the state of Bavaria
– displayed significant increase in sales and number of employees between 2015 and 2019
– organic, non-acquisition-based growth in sales and number of employees.
In addition to this, in-company training is also a central building block for entrepreneurial growth and sustainable economic success. At the same time, it is an expression of the entrepreneur’s lived social responsibility.
Moritz Goeb, Managing Director ISO Software Systeme, is delighted to say, "We are very pleased to receive the Bayerns Best 50 award as it is further proof that we operate with entrepreneurial foresight".
"We want medium-sized businesses to be perceived and recognized according to their economic and social importance. I will continue to work to ensure that the framework conditions are right so that our SMEs can continue their unique success story," comments Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian State Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.
The ISO Software Systeme GmbH has established a solid reputation as a major player in IT consultancy, software development and related services. Software development with a focus on Java, Microsoft and Oracle is our core competence – for our own products as well as on behalf of our customers. ISO Software Systeme addresses primarily the fields of automation technology, medical engineering, as well as airlines, Air Traffic Control, and airport operators – incl. multi-airport projects.
ISO has been active in the market since 1979 and has since developed into a versatile, international IT service provider. Targeting specific markets has resulted in several powerful and innovative companies under the umbrella of the ISO-Gruppe. Today, the ISO-Gruppe includes ISO Software Systems (specialized in software engineering and IT consulting), ISO Professional Services (an SAP specialist), ISO Travel Solutions (an IT expert for the tourism industry), ISO Recruiting Consultants (a provider of IT personnel services), and ISO Public Services (IT services for e-government).
Some 620 permanent employees work at several sites throughout Germany as well as in associate companies in Austria, Poland and Canada. The companies ISO Software Systeme, ISO Travel Solutions and ISO Professional Services of the ISO-Gruppe, with their respective offices in Nuremberg, Munich and Frankfurt, are certified to the requirements of their quality management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
For more information, please visit:
ISO Software Systeme GmbH
Eichendorffstraße 33
90491 Nürnberg
Telefon: +49 (911) 99594-0
Telefax: +49 (911) 99594-129
Marketing / PR
Telefon: +49 (911) 99594-0
Fax: +49 (911) 99594-126