New tcs* service offers ad-hoc transport monitoring for NIC-place customers
With the introduction of the NIC-place Tourboard 2018, both the handling of monitoring has been significantly optimized and new possibilities for ad-hoc or short-term monitoring of transports by the service provider tcs* have been created. The Tourboard enables order-related display of telematics data, taking planning data into account when visualizing the transports. If the customer forwards a planned tour to tcs* by means of the "tour sharing" feature, the service provider automatically has all the necessary information – the start and end POI of the shipment, the desired route and the necessary transport temperatures of the loaded goods – in order to ensure professional monitoring and documentation in the case of deviations from the standard process during the transport. The service can be booked at any time without pre-notice (ad-hoc), allowing customers to benefit from maximum flexibility. Complicated communication channels and the associated lead times between the customer, tcs* and NIC-place, or the prior approval and allocation of vehicles, are eliminated.
"By using the Tourboard – both by the customer and by ourselves – we can offer ad-hoc, short-term monitoring in addition to our standard service contracts for transport protection, for example in the event of illness affecting responsible employees in the company," Stefan Ehrnstraßer, Managing Director of tcs*, elaborates on the new added value. In real time, newly shared tours are highlighted in the tcs* Tourboard to accept the order immediately and ensure the safety of the transport. "This monitoring is particularly interesting for sensitive cargo or at inconvenient times: At night, on weekends or holidays, on-call times at the carrier side can be eliminated and employees can be reliably relieved," explains Ehrnstraßer about the new ad-hoc monitoring service.
Of course, the monitoring service provider tcs* still offers its traditional range of services for permanent fleet and transport monitoring. These services are now supplemented by flexible and ad-hoc support in exceptional or emergency situations for NIC-place Tourbourd users. To activate the service, Tourboard users send a one-time e-mail to info@tcs-control.com or contact support@nic-place.com directly in case of technical queries.
About tcs*
tcs* (thermo control services GmbH) is an innovative, experienced and highly qualified team of security experts in the field of transport control of high-value, sensitive or perishable goods. The service provider offers worldwide comprehensive monitoring of all electronic signals occurring during transport as well as professional alarm management including verification, e.g. for monitoring of reefer, door status, geofences, as well as temperatures or panic button.
tcs* convinces with years of expertise in monitoring, intervention management and protective measures for transport logistics. For ad-hoc necessary intervention actions, the transport protection service provider has a network of security partners for the guarding of the loaded goods and experts for the repair of reefer units at the respective location. This allows tcs* to effectively secure your transported cargo from theft and protect the goods from perishing.
NIC-place bietet Softwarelösungen für die Transport- und Logistikbranche, die ganzheitlich auf die gegenwärtigen Anforderungen an Transparenz im Transportwesen abgestimmt sind. Das Data Control Center von NIC-place bietet einen einzigartigen und völlig neuen Ansatz für das Teilen von Daten. Es ermöglicht den Kunden die Teilnahme am vernetzten Logistik-Ökosystem, während sie gleichzeitig die Kontrolle über ihr eigenes privates Carrier-Netzwerk behalten. NIC-place ist Marktführer im Bereich temperaturgeführter und high value Transporte sowie in der Schienenlogistik und ist bekannt für sein tiefes und solides Telematikwissen. Die Lösung wurde im Januar 2018 gelauncht, die Wurzeln gehen jedoch bereits auf die Gründung der kasasi GmbH im Jahr 2009 zurück.
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