Optical Micrometer 8400K
The Optical Micrometer 8400K from Telemeter Electronic has been used successfully in the maintenance of aircraft for many years. The users of this measuring device particularly appreciate the simplicity and accuracy of the measuring process. This device is used in aviation to measure surface damage like scratches or to determine the depth of pitting caused by rust. The Optical Micrometer can also be used in conjunction with the refraction factor of an aircraft windshield to determine the thickness of this material. This is beneficial when damage has been polished out of a windshield and it is necessary to define the remaining thickness. With the focusing of the tool the first step is to focus on an undamaged surface. Then the LCD display on the Optical Micrometer is set to zero, which means that all subsequent measurements take place relative to this reference. For the actual measurement the micrometer will be put over the damaged area and focused again on the ground of the damage with the focusing device. The relative depth of this measured damage is now shown in the LCD display. The possibility of measuring very thin or narrow corrosion in depth is a great advantage here because with the Optical Micrometer 8400K it is not necessary to insert a needle into the corrosion like a dial gauge. The Optical Micrometer is even used in wood processing companies. The depth of the structure of veneers is measured in order to be able to draw conclusions about the actual remaining thickness of the material. Telemeter Electronic supplies the Optical Micrometer 8400K fully equipped with the perfect accessories for a big range of applications.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Telemeter Europe
Joseph-Gänsler-Straße 10
86609 Donauwörth
Telefon: +49 (906) 70693-0
Telefax: +49 (906) 70693-50
Edna Seiler
Telefon: 004990670693-60
E-Mail: eseiler@telemeter.de
Telefon: 004990670693-60
E-Mail: eseiler@telemeter.de
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