Patent-Award for stimOS´ implant surface functionalization
This publication by the German Patent and Trademark office was good reason for stimOS’ unique technology, to be chosen as “patent of the week” by the editors of DeviceMed publications. (https://www.devicemed.de/material-fuer-ein-knochenimplantat-a-999466/)
“The medical technology industry is a leader in patent applications, and every week, the DeviceMed editorial team selects it’s “Patent of the Week” from the many submissions to the German Patent and Trademark office”, states the editorial team.
MBT is a unique and innovative surface functionalization technology: stimOS GmbH developed a covalently bonded 3D continuous biomimetic surface layer, specifically designed for inert implant materials.
In short, by doing this, stimOS gives these inert materials, unique biological features, closest to natural bone.
“These additional patents and such awards help to further strengthen the innovation and game-changing technoloqy that signifies our Mimicking Bone Technology (MBT). With these additional patent approvals, stimOS will begin adding the MBT-technology onto a variety of spine interbody fusion implants, to offer our best-in-class technology to the market, later this year” says CEO, Dr. Dietmar Schaffarczyk.
The company’s mission is to transform implant surfaces from an artificial barrier into a bone-identic implant body interface while avoiding inflammatory reactions and potential revision surgery.
stimOS products for implant surface functionalization under the label MBT are available in three different categories: MBT osseo, MBT biocide, MBT dental, MBT active and MBT protect. All stimOS surface functionalization technologies show superiority regarding the growth of bone cells. Comparative data made by the Universities of Constance, Zurich and Charité Berlin demonstrate excellent results for all MBT surface treatments compared to currently available implant materials.
stimOS MBT brochure: https://fliphtml5.com/…
stimOS GmbH, a privately held research-company and 13485:2016 certified legal manufacturer, was founded in 2015. stimOS develops innovative technologies and procedures to refine, functionalize and activate implant materials. As a supplier and service provider, stimOS makes this technology available to implant manufacturers. In addition, the company also offers services in the field of product development and certification and develops with the product line spineFuseMBT implants for spinal fusion surgery.
stimOS GmbH
Byk-Gulden-Str. 2
78467 Konstanz
E-Mail: zyk@stimos.net