Platinum level: Our EcoVadis rating for 2021
The consulting company ec4u expert consulting ag was again able to improve its performance in the annual EcoVadis-CSR rating for 2020 and thus received the newly introduced Platinum level, which honors the top 1% of all companies. This means that ec4u is part of the top of all rated companies for the second time in a row. With 76 out of 100 achievable points, ec4u was also able to improve its own score by one point compared to the previous year.
EcoVadis is a sustainability rating platform for global supply chains. The scorecards, which are completed by over 65000 companies from more than 160 countries, contain criteria from the environmental, social and ethical areas and are based on international CSR standards (Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000), among others.
"Participating in the EcoVadis CSR rating is an important self-assessment tool for us," explains Anja Benesch, Executive Adviser to the CEO at ec4u. "As a company, we take the responsibility that we have for our environment and society very seriously. The rating helps us to identify areas where we are already very strong and areas where we can still optimize. The fact that we are now among the top 1% for the second time in a row naturally makes us very proud, as it shows that our CSR strategy is bearing fruit."
2020 was challenging, not least because of the pandemic. But Anja Benesch also sees the partially major changes as an incentive. "A lot changed in our day-to-day-work during the pandemic, so we had to be flexible and creative. It sharpened our focus, for example, where home office options can be offered, and overall travel reduced as a result. This is good for employees and helps the environment. We want to apply what we learned last year in the future, even after the pandemic."
Employee welfare, which generally plays an important role at ec4u, also took a high priority during the pandemic.
"The transition wasn’t always easy, but we did a lot with project weeks on sustainability and ‚mindfulness‘ as well as regular employee surveys and digital communication channels to provide a sense of community and cohesion during this difficult time."
ec4u expert consulting ag is a leader in the field of CRM. We assist our customers with the digital transformation of their business-critical processes in marketing, sales, and service – across the entire lifecycle (also „customer journey“).
At ec4u, we realize that for a company to stay healthy and stable, these particular customer-centric units must interact seamlessly. Hence, our consulting, implementation, and support services ensure that the customer journey always encompasses the entire lifecycle of the project – ranging from strategy & expert consulting services through to technical execution, support, and advancement. These activities are accompanied by the commitment of modern Customer Analytics & Business Intelligence Methods.
The goal of the digital transformation is to make CRM more efficient through:
• a clearly-defined, customer-centric strategy,
• stringent, IT-backed business processes,
• transparent, KPI-based monitoring and controls, plus
• strengths-oriented employee development and management.
We enhance our performance with diverse value-added services that include setting up customer lifecycle management, providing demand centres, and actively monitoring social media. We tailor the models for all our services to your specific needs, aimed at achieving the best possible project outcome.
On the technical end, we stand behind current leaders in the field of CRM: Oracle, Salesforce, and Microsoft. We are active in all facets of CRM, underpinned by 12 offices with more than 400 employees and over 800 projects executed successfully worldwide.
DIGITAll Nature Germany GmbH
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ec4u expert consulting ag
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Fax: +49 (721) 46476-299