Preparations in full swing: EU PVSEC starts motivated into 2021
- General Chair Prof. João M Serra
- Scientific Committee 2021
- Collaboration with publishing journals
The 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition is planned to take place from 6 – 10 September 2021 in the Lisbon Congress Centre (CCL) in Lisbon, Portugal.
A local representative
“The EU PVSEC 2021 is a top reference event not only for the latest developments in scientific and technical but also in financial, policy and market insights related to photovoltaics.” says Prof. João M Serra, while looking forward to meeting international PV experts again in person in his hometown of Lisbon. He was recently appointed as the EU PVSEC 2021 General Chair by the EU PVSEC International Scientific Advisory Committee.
Prof. Serra obtained his PhD in Physics in 1995 and is now Full Professor at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL). He has addressed different topics in photovoltaics, namely the development of silicon ribbon technology and other kerfless technologies, off-grid photovoltaic systems for Africa and solar radiation assessment. His current research relates to selective contacts for high efficiency solar cells, tunneling junctions for tandems and PV system performance assessment.
“Portugal is a reference for renewables and well known for its huge ocean waves. You will agree that in these exciting times PV is surfing the green wave into a bright future.” Prof. Serra says, referring to the message from EU PVSEC Technical Programme Chair Dr. Robert Kenny to the global PV Community, who also emphasized the growing role of PV in tomorrow’s energy transition.
Strong committee of more than 240 experts
While releasing the call for abstracts back in December, leading PV experts from around the globe were invited to participate in the EU PVSEC 2021 as topic organisers and paper reviewers. After the abstract submission has been closed and an overwhelming number of papers have been received, even after the difficult circumstance of most research facilities in 2020, the Scientific Committee Members have been selected. Over 240 international experts have joined the committee to contribute to making the 2021 conference programme as attractive, lively and inspiring as possible. The conference programme is coordinated by the EU PVSEC Scientific Committee in close cooperation with the European Commission Joint Research Centre.
New peer-reviewed publishing options
As a novelty this year, the EU PVSEC collaborates with three different scientific journals, aiming to substantially increase the number of papers that may be put forward for peer-reviewed publication. The scientific committee selects the 100 most outstanding research results to be invited for this process.
The publishing journals include the longstanding collaboration with the prestigious journal Progress in Photovoltaics, as well as the high-impact journal Solar RRL and the open access journal EPJ Photovoltaics. Through these different offerings, the EU PVSEC intends to not only increase the number of high-quality peer reviewed papers coming out of the conference, but also expand the breadth of scope and offer a range of publication options, including high impact factor journals and Open Access possibilities in different modalities.
Background EU PVSEC
The EU PVSEC is the largest international Conference for Photovoltaic research, technologies and applications and at the same time a PV Industry Exhibition, where specialized PV Industry presents technologies, innovations and new concepts in the upstream PV sector. It gathers the global PV community to present and discuss the latest developments in Photovoltaics, to network and to conduct business.
It is the world-renowned science-to-science and science-to-industry platform uniquely focused on the global PV Solar sector.
You can find pictures and a PDF of the press release at the following links:
Die Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs-KG (WIP) plant, entwickelt und betreut die Errichtung und den Betrieb von Systemen und Anlagen in den Bereichen Energie- und Umwelttechnik. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in München wurde 1968 gegründet. Das Dienstleistungsspektrum in dem Geschäftsfeld erneuerbare Energien reicht von der Anlagenentwicklung über das Betriebsmonitoring bis zur Strategieentwicklung für eine umfassende Einbindung von regenerativen Energien in die Energiewirtschaft. Die Europäische Photovoltaikkonferenz und Ausstellung wird seit 1986 von WIP organisiert.
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