We have been papermakers since 1584
Magic formula: Pure spring water
Hahnemühles Heritage began on 27 February 1584 with pure spring water. Since its inception, Hahnemühle is the oldest paper mill globally, producing with pure water from its own wells at the same location. On 27 February 1584, the Duke of Brunswick granted the founding father, papermaker Merten Spieß, permission to establish a paper mill in Reylingehausen (Relliehausen) near Dassel in Lower Saxony, Germany. In the time that followed, the “Reylingehäusische Papiermühle” grew at the foot of the Solling, and since 1886 it has borne the euphonious name Hahnemühle.
More than four centuries of papermaking with passion
In more than four centuries of uninterrupted manufacturing history, Hahnemühle has repeatedly invented new products and demonstrated entrepreneurial flair in the broad field of paper applications. It all began with writing and document papers, and later artist papers were added. Then in 1883, Hahnemühle started manufacturing high-purity papers for technical applications such as filtration. In the 1960s, the German paper manufacturer were the first to produce vegan artist papers without animal size. In the 1990s, Hahnemühle invented FineArt inkjet papers for photo prints in museums and galleries, which are still the benchmarking FineArt inkjet papers. Nowadays, the company is a system-relevant supplier of high-purity paper components for Covid19 tests and bring the finest stationery products to market with its unique papermaking DNA. With this long tradition and a firmly anchored claim to quality, innovation, and culture, Hahnemühle is included in the “Brands of the Century” register since 2015. Hahnemühle proudly join the list of other world-renowned brands like soft-drink makers.
Hahnemühle FineArt has been producing paper since 1584. Today’s portfolio includes high purity papers for life science applications, technical specialty papers as well as traditional and digital FineArt papers for painting and printing. The customer-specific development, production and finishing of life science solutions has been of great importance to the medium-sized company since 1883.
All papers and life science solutions have class-leading quality attributes and excellent ageing resistance. Hahnemühle has a worldwide reputation as a ‚Brand of the Century‘. Products are available in more than 120 countries worldwide.
The company is headquartered in Dassel, Southern Lower Saxony; with offices in the United Kingdom, France, USA, Singapore and China.
Hahnemühle FineArt GmbH
Hahnestraße 5
37586 Dassel
Telefon: +49 (5561) 791-682
Corporate Communications & FineNotes Product Communication
Telefon: +49 (0)5561-791682
E-Mail: bettina.scheerbarth@hahnemuehle.com