Doing Business in Germany with Covid-19
New mindset for e-meeting in Germany
The fact that personal meetings have been practically impossible or at least very difficult, has led to a significant paradigm change in accepting online meetings as part of the daily routine. “To a certain extent, we have even seen an increase in demand for meeting new suppliers and business partners, during the last months” says Mr Thim Werner, Managing Director of bdg Consulting GmbH. Whereas matching partners and agreeing on a personal meeting used to be a long process, it is now faster and the mindset for accepting an online meeting has become normal.
Digital impact on daily sales routine
The fact that the usage of diverse digital tools is growing rapidly is also reflected in the way that sales contacts are made. The sales team of BDG is experiencing an almost exploding acceptance of social media contacting. A fact that has made social media business platforms like LinkedIn or the German Xing much more significant over the course of the last months. We expect this trend to continue and when generation Y is stronger represented, things will speed up even further.
Authenticity key in door opening for foreign companies entering into the German market
Although use of e-meetings, social media and many other digital instruments is growing, it becomes clear that one specific thing about doing business in Germany remains in place: the solid and well-prepared approach together with authenticity in reaching out to decision-makers stays the most important rule of thumb for operating successfully in Germany. This thorough way of doing business ensures sustainable contacts.
BDG is headquartered in Cologne and has partner-offices in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich. With a seasoned team of skilled partners, we have today more than 40 people in our team. As one of the few sales and business consultancy companies in Germany, we are ISO9001:2015 certified and have developed several methods for a successful market entry into Germany. We are signatory of the UN Global compact and support the 10 principles for growth, transparency and sustainability.
bdg Consulting GmbH
Hansaring 125
50670 Köln
Telefon: +49 (221) 640090-80
Telefax: +49 (221) 640090-89
Telefon: +49 0221 64 00 90 80
Fax: +49 0221 64 00 90 89
E-Mail: m.heimann@businessdevelopmentgermany.com