
Eplan eManage: Easily upload, share and manage projects in the cloud

The digital transformation of engineering continues advancing. As part of its cloud services, Eplan is presenting a new service for cross-project collaboration – Eplan eManage – which lets users upload Eplan Platform projects into the cloud environment and share and work on them there. The free version was launched in mid-March – an expanded, paid version will follow in August 2021.

– Innovative cloud services and the systems of the Eplan Platform are now become increasingly integrated. As a first step, the new software solution Eplan eManage Free was launched in mid-March. This free, cloud-based software enables the easy uploading of projects from the Eplan Platform and web browsers into the secure ePulse cloud environment. A fee-based version of the software will be released in August that will offer expanded functionality.

Cross-project collaboration

Eplan eManage makes it easy to upload, manage and share projects in the cloud. Since today’s ecosystem of industrial automation is characterised by many media discontinuities when processing and transferring documentation, the advantages of this system are clear: the Eplan Platform systems in connection with this new cloud service will network control cabinet manufacturers and panel builders, OEMs and system integrators as well as machine and plant system operators. They all work together in a central project that can be synchronised on the Eplan Platform via eManage in roundtrip engineering. Clear access rights and role assignments ensure data security and provide flexibility for project access. Users of Eplan Electric P8 and Eplan Pro Panel are already benefitting from these integrated processes whereby they can easily upload their projects into the cloud and transfer them back to the Eplan Platform for further processing.

Direct data transfer to Eplan eView

Users also need just one click to publish their project data directly in Eplan eView. This allows defined stakeholders the opportunity to look and comment on entire projects. It further enables cross-company review processes to be digitally implemented. And thanks to this clear, central availability in the cloud, eManage supports project participants in quickly searching for specific content.

Synchronised, current data

Eplan eManage means that the Eplan Project is synchronised for all project participants and stakeholders. Changes in the project are visible to all participants and the project documentation is always current – across the entire project life cycle and even into operations and service scenarios.

Find out more at: www.eplan-software.com/emanage/

Über die EPLAN GmbH & Co. KG

EPLAN provides software and service solutions in the fields of electrical, automation and mechatronic engineering. The company develops one of the world’s leading design software solutions for machine and panel builders. EPLAN is also the ideal partner to streamline challenging engineering processes.

Both standardised as well as customised interfaces to ERP and PLM/PDM systems ensure data consistency along the whole value chain. Working with EPLAN means boundless communication across all engineering disciplines. No matter whether small or large enterprises: Customers can apply their expertise more efficiently. EPLAN wants to grow further with customers and partners and pushes integration and automation in engineering forward. Worldwide, EPLAN supports over 58,000 customers. "Efficient engineering" is the focus.

EPLAN was founded in 1984 and is part of the owner-operated Friedhelm Loh Group. The Friedhelm Loh Group operates worldwide with 12 production sites and 96 international subsidiaries. The entire group employs 12.100 people and generated revenues of around €2,6 billion in 2019. For the twelfth time in succession, the family business has won the accolade "Top German Employer" in 2020. In addition Friedhelm Loh Group was recognized as "Top vocational trainer" according to a study of Deutschland Test and Focus Money.

For more information visit: www.eplan.de and www.friedhelm-loh-group.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

An der alten Ziegelei 2
40789 Monheim
Telefon: +49 (2173) 3964-0
Telefax: +49 (2173) 3964-25

Birgit Hagelschuer
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 (2173) 3964-180
Fax: +49 (2173) 3964-163
E-Mail: hagelschuer.b@eplan.de
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