
REYHER going for climate-friendly pallet covers

Every year hundreds of thousands of pallets leave REYHER’s logistics centre heading across the whole world – some 70,000 of them have pallet covers to protect the goods. To save on valuable resources, the Hamburg trading company for fasteners and fixing technology now uses GreenCor® corrugated cardboard made with grass paper.

The corrugated cardboard from GreenCor®, is an innovative resource-conserving development by packaging producer CARTOFLEX, based in Lüneburg, Germany. The special feature of the packaging material is that it consists of around one third grass. The remaining 70% of the corrugated cardboard is made up of recycled material.

Production reduces the use of energy, water and chemicals

The production of grass paper differs in practice only a little from conventional paper production. In addition to used paper, grass fibres are pulped with water. Next, water is removed from the suspension and the fibres build a fleece. In contrast to fresh fibre or recycled fibre processes, grass fibre can be produced purely mechanically. This considerably reduces the use of water and energy during the process. The use of chemicals can also be radically reduced. The danger of allergies is removed due to the special production process using both high pressure and high temperatures.

Raw materials from the region

The grass used for the pallets required comes from Schleswig-Holstein, a region of north Germany, from local farmers and their grass compensation areas. These areas must be created because of increasing soil sealing. The managed grasslands have to be mowed twice a year. Because of the length and strength of the woody grass it is not suitable for animal fodder and so there is no competition with fodder production.

“Cartoflex has supplied us reliably with quality high-value packaging materials for many years,” reports REYHER CEO, Klaus-Dieter-Schmidt. “We are very pleased that thanks to this innovative development we can make an extra contribution towards saving valuable resources and reducing the use of chemicals.”

Über die F. REYHER Nchfg. GmbH & Co. KG

With more than 130 years‘ experience Reyher is one of the leading trading companies for fasteners and fastening technology in Europe supplying customers in industry and trade worldwide. Over 800 employees at our central location in Hamburg ensure individual, flexible solutions for reliable supplies of c-parts, with a delivery rate of over 99 percent. In 2020, REYHER achieved a turnover of around 320 million euros with more over 11,000 customers.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

F. REYHER Nchfg. GmbH & Co. KG
Haferweg 1
22769 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 85363-0

Katja Flencker
Leitung Marketing/Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (40) 85363750
E-Mail: katja.flencker@reyher.de
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