TheCityIsOurs – unterschreiben bei Arising Empire – veröffentlichen neue Single / Video zu ‚Violent‘
Heute veröffentlicht die Band ihre brandneue Single ‚Violent‚, zusammen mit dem dazugehörigen und beeindruckenden Musikvideo, welches von neuem Frontmann und Multitalent Oli Duncanson selbst gedreht wurde.
Schaut euch ‚Violent‚ nun hier an: https://youtu.be/LHAwJjI6Zas
Streamt oder downloadet euch die neue Single hier: https://thecityisours.lnk.to/…
“We are ecstatic to have joined the Arising Empire family, amongst a roster of so many talented bands. The team at the label have been incredibly supportive of our creative vision for this record and allowed us to spread our wings to create a collection of music unlike anything we have ever attempted before. Some of our biggest influences have been associated with this great team over the years, so we are very excited to see what the future has in store.” – Mikey Page
"‘Cos I know everything that you said
(All the rage I feel inside)
And I hope you don’t mean a word of it
(Is something I’ve tried to hide)
I hope you can see you make me want to be violent"
Seit ihrer Gründung in 2015 sorgt die fünfköpfige Melodic Metalcore Combi aus London immer wieder für Aufsehen in der Alternative Rock und Metal-Szene. Ausgiebiges Touring in UK mit mächtigen Live-Sets, gepaart mit dem Erfolg des Debütalbums ‚LOW‚ (August 2019), das in die Top 5 der iTunes Metal Charts krachte und dessen Singles darüber hinaus allesamt in großen Playlisten landeten, hat THECITYISOURS sich schon einen Namen in der Industrie gemacht und dafür gesorgt, dass die Band eine große Schaar an Fans ihr eigen nennen kann.
2019 war ein sehr ereignisreiches Jahr für die Band, da die Jungs auf einigen UK Festivals wie z.B. dem Camden Rocks, Macmillan Fest, Burn It Down oder Holloween spielten. Außerdem flogen sie nach Schweden für das High Fives Festival und spielten eine Headline Show im Doghouse Tent auf dem Download Festival, bei dem sich mehr als 4000 Festivalgänger von der Qualität von THECITYISOURS überzeugen konnten. Außerdem spielte die Band noch eine ausverkaufte Album Release Show in den Boston Music Rooms in London.
Nach dem Ausscheiden des alten Sängers Sam Stolliday, fand sich die Band in einer unerwarteten Situation mit einer brennenden Frage wieder – wie geht es weiter? 12 Monate später ist die Band nun zurück, um ihren neue Sänger Oli Duncanson vorzustellen und damit eine neue Ära für THECITYISOURS einzuläuten.
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“Oli has been a part of our team for a long time. He is a very well respected entity in his own right amongst the music scene, having toured as a photographer with bands such as Wage War, Oceans Ate Alaska, Our Hollow, Our Home amongst countless others. He was massively involved in bringing our creative vision to life on our first record and has toured with us a number of times, so the personal bonds were already very strong. We knew he had a voice in the locker. We’d seen snippets of his capabilities over the years, so when he registered an interest in becoming a part of CITY, we knew we had to explore it as an option.
We got him into the studio to demo a couple of tracks and clicked instantly. The vibe in the room was electric as soon as he opened his mouth. The power and raw emotion of his voice translated perfectly to the overall feel of what CITY was, but also opened up an exciting possibility to develop our sound in areas we had never explored before. We immediately knew we were dealing with something very special. The departure of Sam from the band left some very big shoes to fill, but we are confident that you won’t be disappointed with what’s to come from the new era of THECITYISOURS.” – Mikey Page
“The band and I have been good friends for years having worked for them or bands around them, be it on tour or creating their music videos for the last album, so in that sense I was fortunate to know the inner workings of the band before joining. I’ve always wanted to be part of a band but it’s always been something I was apprehensive to do as nothing previously ever seemed to feel right. I remember being shown some demos of some new songs prior to Sam’s departure and absolutely loving the direction and progression of the band’s sound so as soon as Mikey told me about the opening in the band, I knew I had to take a chance!” – Oli Duncanson
“I think people have been a little cautious of bands like ours. We’ve always been a band that have bridged the gaps between genres and with its successes has often left people looking to others, perhaps afraid to admit they like what they’re hearing until its validated by one of their peers. ‘Violent’ is a line in the sand. It is the embodiment of our ethos of taking every element of our band to the next level and making a definitive mark with the dawn of a new era. As one of the heaviest tracks we’ve ever written, it starts hot and shows no sign of slowing down. Relentless angst from start to finish.
‘Violent’ is arguably our most honest account as a band to date. Betrayal was never something we’d really experienced before as a band, so dealing with events of this nature was a difficult but incredibly insightful process to experience. The progression from sadness to anger is always a difficult period to rationalise when contemplating the reasons for a relationship collapsing. In many cases, it’s clear that there are reasons or regrettable actions to contextualise a series of events. However, it does not mean that they hurt any less. This track lays it all out on the table, with a hope to providing some kind of solace for the pain, before picking ourselves back up and coming back, stronger than ever before.” – Mikey Page
Oli Duncanson | Gesang
Mikey Page | Gesang / Gitarre
Jamie Deeks | Bass
Stuart Mercer | Gitarre
Louis Giannamore | Schlagzeug
More info:
Arising Empire Tonträger Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH
Oeschstr. 40
73072 Donzdorf
Telefon: +49 (40) 64690511