Webinar: Three examples show how to master digital change better with the Exploded View (Webinar | Online)
Get to know the Exploded View from foryouandyourcustomers as a method for digital change in your company. We will show you three practical examples and give you one of the valuable tools that you can use immediately for your work in your company.
Kevin Krifter and Jonathan Moeller developed the Exploded View, have been using the proven method for eight years and accompany numerous companies in the introduction and application of the Exploded View. Following this 30-minute webinar, the two experts will be available to answer individual questions.
You can find out more about the Exploded View method here.
For questions, please contact Baerbel Richter.
About the person: Jonathan Moeller, Founder of foryouandyoucustomers
He founded his first company 29 years ago. Having established eight companies in a total of eleven countries until today, he is considered an international expert in digitisation, organisational development and integral management. He has developed several analogue tools for the digital change, including the Exploded View, and is a published author. He has lived in Amsterdam, Melbourne and Grüt (Switzerland) with his wife and three children.
About the person: Kevin Krifter, Head of Communication Services and Senior Consultant
Since 2014, Kevin has been supporting customers of foryouandyourcustomers in the digital change through analysis, consulting, conception and implementation of sophisticated solutions. He advises and trains multinational companies along the Exploded View, gives lectures at universities and congresses in Europe and is actively involved in the further development of foryouandyourcustomers’ analogue tools.
Eventdatum: Dienstag, 20. April 2021 11:30 – 12:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
foryouandyourcustomers GmbH
Augustenstraße 44
70178 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 160 64 32 099
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