Biomax Informatics presents AILANI 2.0 for even more intelligent responses
Biomax Informatics announces the launch of version 2.0 of AILANI. AILANI 2.0 represents an even more modern and user-friendly version of Biomax Informatics’ semantic search platform. Via the new AILANI Cloud Interface, users can quickly and cost-effectively search through numerous publicly accessible, academic full-text documents, news feeds, clinical studies, and COVID-19-relevant patents, receiving intelligent responses to their questions, alongside their keyword search. Unlike in the first version of AILANI, people using the AILANI Cloud benefit from a document tagging system for collaborative purposes, as well as from the introduction of “personas,” which enable a different experience for distinct user groups. Through the new AILANI Enterprise solution, Biomax also offers customers the opportunity to integrate their own data – in both a structured and unstructured format – into the system, to expand the semantic search function to this data by means of AI algorithms, and to compare it with publicly accessible data. To increase acceptance among employees and to optimize integration into the system landscape, the portal can be quickly and easily adapted to the company’s corporate design. An optional group function (persona) enables the rapid exchange of data and responses within the team. This allows new ideas and new knowledge to be generated and shared more quickly. The time required for product development can be reduced considerably, decisions can be made more rapidly and in an enhanced manner, and competitive advantages can be realized. “The experiences and feedback of our customers over the past year have shown us that we can make a valuable contribution to successful research and product development in the life sciences sector through AILANI,” says Dr. Sascha Losko, Director of Product Management. “With AILANI 2.0 and our new pricing model, we are also able to provide companies of any size with optimal access to our software.” Through AILANI for COVID-19, Biomax Informatics began offering free access to AILANI back in spring 2020. Interested parties can try out AILANI for free at and get answers to specific questions relating to COVID-19.
Über die Labvantage – Biomax GmbH
Biomax provides computational solutions for better decision making and knowledge management in the life sciences. They help customers generate value by integrating information from proprietary and public resources to enable a knowledge-based approach to developing innovative life science products. Biomax’s worldwide customer community includes companies and research organizations that are successful in drug discovery, diagnostics, fine chemicals, food and plant production. More information is available at
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Labvantage – Biomax GmbH
Robert-Koch-Str. 2
82152 Planegg
Telefon: +49 (89) 895574-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 895574-825
Dr. Angela Bauch
Assistant Director Product Management
Assistant Director Product Management
Bettina von Klitzing-Stückle
Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager
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