
noventum is one of Germany’s best consultancies in three categories

Whether digitalization, climate change or Corona – companies are exposed to great pressure to change and must react if they do not want to jeopardize their market position. They have to act and many of them need the support of experts to be able to take the right steps. The world is on the move and companies are calling on the services of consultants to ensure they don’t miss out on the future.

For the eighth time in a row, the magazine brand eins and the statistics company Statista have presented an in-depth study on the performance of management consultancies. noventum consulting is among the best in this study. In a detailed special issue with the title "We are rebuilding" brand eins presents the survey.

noventum consulting has again made it into the best list – as one of 314 management consultancies in total. Special mention goes to noventum in the professional categories "Technology & Telecommunications" (15th place) , "IT Strategy" (16th place) and "IT Implementation" (21st place), three of its consulting focal points.

Uwe Rotermund, Managing Director of noventum consulting, is pleased with the award: "For almost 25 years we have been advising our clients strategically and in operationally important subject areas. As an internationally active IT management consultancy, we support our clients, which include Dax corporations and major medium-sized companies, in their IT challenges and their efforts to create a modern corporate culture."

The detailed study by brand eins and a series of in-depth articles on the topic in the "Consulting" special issue.

Über die noventum consulting GmbH

noventum consulting GmbH is an international IT management consultancy.

Founded in 1996 in Münster, today noventum is represented in Münster and Düsseldorf with more than 100 employees. An independent noventum partner company works in Luxembourg.

The managing partner is Uwe Rotermund.

noventum consulting supports its customers in their IT challenges and in their efforts for a modern corporate culture.

Customers are predominantly DAX companies as well as medium-sized companies and organizations with a large IT infrastructure.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

noventum consulting GmbH
Münsterstraße 111
48155 Münster
Telefon: +49 (2506) 9302-0
Telefax: +49 (2506) 9302-23

Dr. Matthias Rensing
Telefon: +49 (2506) 9302-0
E-Mail: matthias.rensing@noventum.de
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