Sewage Sludge Cooperation Failed
Discussion with Max Valier Holding GmbH to conclude a license agreement with their newly founded BOEHM GROUP GmbH were not successful, according to information by i+M GmbH & Co. KG. Talks regarding process engineering support for the first as yet unfinished BTS systems failed, too. As a restructuring company, Max Valier Holding GmbH acquired various assets of the affected Böhm companies.
“The developments of the last weeks and months are very regrettable. Due to the failed license discussion, unfortunately also the planning security of BTS customers is on shaky ground. We are already in contact with some of those affected,” said Richard Zizmann, CEO of i+M GmbH & Co.KG.
Thus the long-standig know-how for the unique ZIZMANN drying technology with the raking process remains exclusively with the industry specialist. The order situation at i+M GmbH & Co.KG is positive: In addition to various hall drying projects for solar, hybrid and thermal drying, three modular SCS Multilevel dryers are under construction.
Specialist for contact & convection dryer systems and individual solutions:
– ZIZMANN Solar / Hybrid / Thermal Hall Dryers
i+M GmbH & Co.KG – Innovation und Management
Roschbachstr. 2
72336 Balingen
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E-Mail: volm@im-gbr.de