AVL Virtual International Simulation Conference 2021 (Konferenz | Online)
Technological changes in the automotive industry are no longer just rapid, they have become exponential. Keeping up with the ever-accelerating pace is the key to your success. When you must optimize for cost and speed at the same time, the role of numerical simulation over the entire development process cannot be overestimated.
Make sure you are up to date with the industry’s latest simulation technology news and trends and register for the AVL Virtual International Simulation Conference, taking place from June 22 to 24, 2021 – free of charge.
Hear best practices, exchange ideas and come together – in the safe environment of a virtual event. With this conference we are creating a shared experience in the virtual world together with you and today, we present the event outline. We have confirmed keynotes from McLaren Applied, Weichai and Batemo. You will hear deep-dive presentations from Audi, BMC Power, BMW, Bosch, DENSO, Great Wall Motor, Guangxi Yuchai Machinery, Hyundai, John Deere, MAN, OFFIS, Renault, Roechling, Saint-Gobain, SAIC Motors, Silicon Austria Lab, Stellantis, TAE Technologies, Valeo, Volvo Cars, Zentrum für Brennstoffzellentechnologie and many more.
Everyone who has already joined us for past AVL International Simulation Conferences in Graz knows that one of the event’ss major takeaways is the networking. We have done all we could to include this aspect in the first digital edition of this conference and look forward to interacting with you in a Live Podium Discussion, Live Round Tables and Expert 1:1 chats.
It is still possible to sponsor the AVL Virtual ISC 2021. Reach a new audience and increase your market share as a conference sponsor. You will find a detailed overview of sponsorship opportunities here.
Eventdatum: 22.06.21 – 24.06.21
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
AVL Deutschland GmbH
Peter-Sander-Straße 32
55252 Mainz-Kastel
Telefon: +49 (6134) 71790
Telefax: +49 (6134) 3588
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