E+E Elektronik to Provide National Measurement Standard for CO2 Gas Concentration
National Metrology Institutes (NMI) – in Austria this is the BEV – or its designated institutes are at the top of a country’s metrology hierarchy. By providing the binding national measurement standards (etalons), they ensure the connection between legal metrology to the internationally recognised SI system of units and thus ensure globally comparable standards.
The E+E calibration laboratory has been entrusted with this important task for humidity and dew point since 2004, and for air velocity since 2011. In April 2021, the designation for CO2 gas concentration was also granted.
Designated Institute BEV / E+E Elektronik
As a designated institute, E+E Elektronik is committed to maintaining and further developing the national etalons in accordance with the current state and requirements of metrology. The prerequisite for this, in addition to the necessary metrological expertise and equipment, is a stringent quality management system in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025. In addition, E+E Elektronik is subject to regular monitoring audits by the BEV and international calibration experts.
To ensure the equivalence and international recognition of national etalons, E+E Elektronik participates in key comparisons by the CIPM/BIPM (Comité International des Poids et Mesures / Bureau International des Poids et Mesures) or EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes). Furthermore, E+E Elektronik is represented on international committees in the field of metrology for the pertinent physical quantities.
The calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC data) of the designated institute are listed in the BIPM Key Comparison Database (KCDB) under the name BEV/E+E Elektronik. According to the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA), E+E Elektronik is entitled to show the CIPM-MRA logo on its BEV/E+E calibration certificates. Calibration certificates from institutes that have this logo enjoy the highest level of acceptance and are of particular interest to accredited calibration bodies due to their traceability to a National Metrology Institute.
"The fact that we are now also a designated institute of the BEV for CO2 gas concentration, following humidity, dew point and air velocity, delights us. It further demonstrates the great expertise of our calibration laboratory, something that our customers have been benefiting from for years," says Dietmar Pachinger, Head of the E+E Calibration Laboratory.
Accredited Calibration Laboratory
In addition to special calibrations as a designated institute, E+E Elektronik also offers accredited measuring device calibrations for the physical quantities humidity, dew point, CO2, air velocity, air flow, temperature and pressure. To this end, E+E Elektronik is accredited as a calibration laboratory according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 under identification number 0608 by the Austrian National Accreditation Body/Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs. The decisive feature of accredited calibrations – in contrast to so-called ISO or in-house calibrations – is the traceability of the measurement results to a national standard and thus their international comparability.
For detailed information on the services offered by the E+E calibration laboratory, go to www.eplusecal.com
E+E Elektronik entwickelt und produziert Sensorelemente, Sensormodule und Sensoren für Feuchte, Taupunkt, Feuchte in Öl, CO2, Luftgeschwindigkeit, Durchfluss, Temperatur und Druck. Handmessgeräte, Feuchtekalibriersysteme und Kalibrierdienstleistungen ergänzen das umfangreiche Produktportfolio des österreichischen Sensorspezialisten. Die Hauptanwendungsgebiete für E+E Produkte liegen in der HLK- und Gebäudetechnik, industriellen Messtechnik und der Automobilindustrie. Ein zertifiziertes Qualitätsmanagementsystem gemäß ISO 9001 und IATF 16949 stellt höchste Qualitätsstandards sicher. E+E Elektronik ist mit eigenen Niederlassungen in China, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Korea, USA und Vertriebspartnern in mehr als 60 Ländern weltweit vertreten. Das akkreditierte E+E Kalibrierlabor ist vom österreichischen Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV) mit der Bereithaltung der nationalen Standards für Feuchte, Taupunkt, Luftströmungsgeschwindigkeit und Gaskonzentration CO2 beauftragt.
E+E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H
Langwiesen 7
A4209 Engerwitzdorf
Telefon: +43 (7235) 605-0
Telefax: +43 (7235) 605-8
Telefon: +43 (7235) 605-217
E-Mail: pr@epluse.at