Hendrik Gillert Strengthens Efficient Energy Salesforce
Hendrik Gillert, who looks back on a long career in sales, originally worked in the energy sector where he was involved in the sales of photovoltaic systems and self-sufficient energy and storage systems. Before joining Efficient Energy, he spent seven years at a manufacturer of adsorption refrigeration systems where he was most recently Head of Sales.
Gillert regards his new career in the sale of refrigeration systems that use water as a refrigerant as nothing but a logical continuation of his former career, however centring on an even more sustainable technology. He sees rocketing market demand for natural refrigerants and enormous potential in being able to establish the environmentally friendly eChiller chilled water units as the new standard. “I’m highly impressed by the company’s vision and the product itself. The energy efficiency and performance of the systems are truly remarkable. My work at Efficient Energy gives me the opportunity to contribute to the implementation of the F-Gas Regulation. I also find the pioneering role associated with my new job at Efficient Energy highly appealing,” says Gillert about joining the company.
Head of Sales Torben Eismann is delighted to be able to count on Gillert’s expertise in his team which operates throughout the DACH region. “We are currently working towards the series launch of the latest model of the eChiller product family, the eChiller120, in August. Our aim is to ensure that the eChiller120 becomes just as successful on the market as its predecessor models,” Torben Eismann comments.
An extensive partner network, which is currently undergoing massive expansion, is to help the company achieve this goal.
Efficient Energy GmbH is an innovative manufacturer and system supplier of environmentally friendly refrigeration technology, based in Feldkirchen near Munich, Germany. The company uses pure water (R718) as the refrigerant in its eChiller product range, and thereby entirely avoids fluorinated refrigerants. Efficient Energy helps its customers overcome the increasing regulatory challenges of refrigeration technology, and offers them long-term, sustainable solutions with its Bluezero® technology. With its outstanding cost efficiency and low CO2 footprint, companies benefit on many fronts. The pioneering technology has also been noticed by politics and the media, and has received multiple awards for the eChiller. These include among others the European Business Award for the Environment 2018/2019 from the European Commission and the Red Herring Top 100 Europe in 2020.
Efficient Energy GmbH
Hans-Riedl-Str. 5
85622 Feldkirchen b. München
Telefon: +49 (89) 693369-500
Telefax: +49 (89) 693369-8610
Corporate Communications and Press
E-Mail: angelika.thum@efficient-energy.de