In 2020, for the first time, help alliance supported more than 40,000 disadvantaged people worldwide
- Part of funding resources were rededicated to Corona emergency measures and additional fundraising activities started
- New annual report provides information on project impacts
- Focus of 2020 work was on projects in India
The current situation in India and many other parts of the world shows the serious impact of the Corona pandemic, especially on the weakest and poorest. In densely populated slums, it is almost impossible to comply with distance and hygienic rules. Furthermore, access to clean drinking water or medical care is impossible for many.
As a globally active aid organization, help alliance therefore sees it as a very urgent responsibility to emphatically support the people most affected by the global crisis and to mitigate negative consequences as much as possible. The Lufthansa Group NGO reacted quickly to the changed situation caused by the Corona crisis and was able to continue its important work in the areas of education, work and income, prevention, health and food supply in its 39 projects in 2020. This year, seven additional projects will be funded, five in Europe.
„We invested about 2.5 million euros in project work and were able to support over 40,000 people worldwide for the first time ever. Last but not least because we reallocated some of the funds for urgent Corona aid, like distributing food parcels and hygiene articles that enabled us to provide many people with additional emergency supplies”, is how Andrea Pernkopf, managing director of help alliance, summarizes the work of the aid organization in the organization’s annual report 2020, which was published today. It is now available as a PDF and ePaper at www.helpalliance.org. Among other things, it contains detailed key numbers on project work impact – three exciting impact stories – donation highlights and the most important financial figures.
Wide range of Corona emergency aid measures in 2020
In the reporting year 2020, help alliance educated more than 37,000 people about Corona and trained more than 30,000 people in need in hygiene measures. In the area of emergency care, the NGO provided around 18,000 people with masks and more than 10,000 people with food and hygienic products.
Thanks to quickly implemented measures, around 20,000 children and young people were able to continue taking part in the aid organization’s educational programs – mostly digitally.
Children need a future – fundraising for aid projects in India
A key emphasis of help alliance’s work is aid projects in India: The proceeds generated for help alliance from the RTL Donation Marathon 2020 together with Mastercard will benefit neglected girls in the project "Education creates opportunities for street children." Most of them live in a home in Dehradun, the capital of the state of Uttarakhand, which is far too small and in need of renovation. Thanks to donations, this will change. The successful fundraising campaign of the two companies Mastercard and Miles & More in the spring of 2021, which was held for the third year in a row, also raised around 200,000 euros. Donations will also be used for disadvantaged children and young people in three India projects run by help alliance. Help alliance is happy about every donation in favor of the Covid-19 prevention and emergency aid fund and guarantees that 100 percent of every cent donated goes to the project work.
Help alliance is very happy about every donation to the Covid-19 prevention and emergency aid fund and guarantees that 100 percent of every cent donated goes directly to the project work.
help alliance is the central corporate citizenship pillar of the Lufthansa Group. As an internationally operating company and part of the German and international community, the Lufthansa Group takes responsibility for current social challenges beyond its actual business activities. The non-profit organization currently covers projects worldwide that provide access to education for disadvantaged young people and enables them to lead successful, healthy and self-determined lives. In addition to the focus on high-quality education (SDG 4), help alliance particularly promotes vocational training measures and entrepreneurial approaches in the area of work and income (SDG 8). In recent years, around 150 projects have been supported. The project contents of help alliance are based on the standards of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations for 2030. The projects are funded solely through donations. For further information and donation opportunities, please visit www.helpalliance.org
help alliance gGmbH
Lufthansa Aviation Center
60546 Frankfurt
Telefon: +49 (69) 696696-70