NürnbergMesse expresses its solidarity with India
– NürnbergMesse procures oxygen concentrators for its contribution to CoVID relief efforts in India
– Nuremberg-based company Hans Müller HMP Medizintechnik supplies the medical equipment
Reacting quickly to the dramatic coronavirus situation in India, NürnbergMesse invested in procuring 50 oxygen concentrators for the CoVID relief efforts, including care for it’s employees of subsidiary NürnbergMesse India and shipped them by air freight. For CEO Dr Roland Fleck, there was no question but to assist and contribute to the efforts of the subsidiary in this hour of need expressing support and solidarity with India as country. “In this hour of medical crisis and emergency, we stand by our team in India. We are also ensuring home-care and bridging the critical time”, he said. His fellow CEO Peter Ottmann added: “In our company, collaboration knows no national borders. This applies for our efforts to contribute and assist our colleagues in Mumbai, Bangalore and New Delhi just as it does for all our other locations.” The Indian Consul N. Ramakrishnan, based in Germany, was present when the medical equipment was delivered, and was highly appreciative of this assistance: “We are very grateful to NürnbergMesse for this contribution to CoVID relief efforts in India.” Nuremberg’s Mayor Marcus König believes that the trade fair company’s resolute action sends a powerful signal: “NürnbergMesse is modelling solidarity and leading by example as a municipal holding company!”
Another Nuremberg-based company assisted with the procurement of the oxygen concentrators, which are in short supply everywhere in the world these days. Despite globally strong demand, the company Hans Müller HMP Medizintechnik GmbH made the necessary equipment available to NürnbergMesse. These devices are mainly used for home and CoVID basic care centres.
NürnbergMesse India Managing Director Sonia Prashar had turned to Dr Roland Fleck and Peter Ottmann for help in procuring the oxygen concentrators as part of the CoVID relief activities in India.
NürnbergMesse Group is one of the 15 largest trade fair companies in the world. It comprises NürnbergMesse GmbH and its 15 subsidiaries and affiliates. The company employs more than 1,000 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the USA. NürnbergMesse Group also has a network of international representatives operating in more than 100 countries. Its portfolio includes around 120 German and international trade fairs and congresses. Every year, up to 35,000 exhibitors (international contingent: 44%) and up to 1.5 million visitors (26% from outside Germany) take part in the Group’s own, partner and guest events.
NürnbergMesse GmbH
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