Save the Date and Call for Papers for the 19th International Conference on Renewable Mobility
The International Conference "Fuels of the Future" is the leading event of the European biofuel industry and at the same time an important discussion forum for the German, European and international development of renewable mobility. Fuels of the Future 2022 welcomes national and international participants, including representatives from raw material collection and processing, the biofuel, mineral oil and motor vehicle industries, the chemical industry, the transport and logistics sector, certification systems as well as politics, science and research.
The aim of the International Conference is to provide participants with an up-to-date status report on the many different legislative initiatives and to discuss corresponding recommendations for action, to present current market developments and project examples of renewable mobility, and to provide a broad platform for the exchange of experience.
Are you an expert in the field of biofuels and renewable mobility? Is there a topic you would like to present and discuss? Or are you involved in a project whose results are interesting for our conference – participants?
The organisers invite you to contribute to the programme design of the upcoming International Conference on Renewable Mobility and to submit presentation proposals.
If you are interested in giving a presentation in one of the numerous specialist forums at the 19th Conference on Renewable Mobility, we would like to ask you to submit your abstract (max. ½ A4 page) online as a web form by 13 June 2021 at the latest.
The conference advisory board will decide on the acceptance of your proposal. You will probably receive initial feedback on the submitted presentations by the end of July 2021.
If you have any questions about the Call for papers, please contact Elisa Kastner, Speaker for Conferences & Marketing. (E-Mail: kastner@bioenergie.de, Tel.: 030 27 58 179 25).
You are cordially invited to attend the 19th International Conference "Fuels of the Future 2022", to find out about current developments in the field of renewable mobility and to discuss with entrepreneurs, politicians and scientists.
The event is supported by Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank.
Over the Federal association bio energy registered association. (BBE) The Federal Association of Bioenergy e.V. (BBE) is the umbrella organization of the German bioenergy industry. In the BBE, the players are organized along the entire value chain of the biogenic electricity, heat and fuel market: from biomass cultivation and its provision, through mechanical and plant engineering, to the planning and operation of bioenergy plants in the various sectors. As the umbrella organization of the bioenergy industry in Germany, the BBE bundles the interests of over 150 companies and professional associations: www.bioenergie.de
Bundesverband Bioenergie e.V. (BBE)
Servatiusstraße 53
53175 Bonn
Telefon: +49 (228) 81002-22
Telefax: +49 (228) 81002-58
Referentin für Veranstaltungen & Marketing
Telefon: + 49 (0) 30 2758179-25
E-Mail: kastner@bioenergie.de