Andersen Lab Explains What Architecture in IT Is and Why It Matters
According to the Software Engineering Institute, there are nearly 150 definitions of software architecture. In simple terms, software architecture is the framework or the basic structure of a program. IT architecture can also include system architecture that reflects the approach of an IT team to solving any problem or implementing any project.
In most cases, an Architect is someone who was a programmer, worked their way up to a Senior developer, and has had experience as a Tech Lead. Moreover, this specialist must be able to think strategically, globally evaluate the project, and effectively convey their thoughts and ideas to the team. However, the Architect mustn’t become a “bottleneck” – the only person who sees the whole picture and who is expected to constantly give advice and orders to other team members.
If several specialists of different areas are required to strengthen the team, and your outsourcing company can provide all of them at once, this is often more profitable than hiring the necessary specialists separately. This option saves time on searches for individual employees – hence it saves money.
Unfortunately, there is still a stereotype that architecture is needed only for large projects or not needed at all. This misconception is believed by both young startups and leaders of large nontech companies initiating the development of digital solutions for their businesses. We have tried to provide arguments and cases of why architecture mustn’t be neglected.
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