EMVA General Assembly Elects New Board of Directors
- Arnaud Destruels, Sony Europe B.V (Image Sensing Solutions)
- Arndt Bake, Basler
- Prof. Dr. Bernd Jähne, Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing of Heidelberg University
- Dr. Chris Yates, Vision Ventures
- Dr. Christoph Garbe, HD Vision Systems
- Dr. Dirk Berndt, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF
- Dr. Kai-Udo Modrich, ZEISS Inline Inspection & Metrology
- Marco Diani, iMAGE S
- Dr. Ronald Mueller, Vision Markets
The new elected Board of Directors will have its constituent in-person meeting as soon as possible and by then vote on the roles of EMVA President; Vice President and Treasurer amongst its members.
In a series of emotional farewell video statements many leaders of machine vision players gave their tribute to Gabriele Jansen who chose not to candidate for another term. Gabriele Jansen has been founding member of the EMVA and Board member since the association was established in 2003, making her the longest serving EMVA Board member in the association’s history. From 2003 – 2009 Gabriele Jansen served as EMVA President.
Also stepping down from the EMVA Board are Jochem Herrmann who acted as EMVA President from 2015 – 2019; Jean Caron who was EMVA Board member and Treasurer from 2015 – 2021; and Michel Ollivier who was EMVA Vice President from 2015 – 2021.
The EMVA is a not for profit organization, open to all, which is owned by its members who represent over 130 companies, institutes, and organizations, originating from within Europe, North America, and Asia. The association seeks to represent the interests of its members and promote the vision industry in general, but also encourage cooperation and standardization. The EMVA hosts several important standards used throughout the machine vision industry including the GenICam series used to provide a consistent, device independent interface to machine vision hardware, the EMVA1288 standard used for bench-marking performance of industrial cameras, and the newly initiated Open Optics Camera Interface (OOCI) standard which addresses the connectivity of camera lenses within a machine vision system, and the new emVISION initiative addressing standardization within embedded vision systems. To find out more visit the web site www.emva.org.
European Machine Vision Association
Ronda Santa Eulalia 37, nave 13
E08780 Palleja – Barcelona
Telefon: +34 (93) 1807060
Telefax: +34 (93) 1807060
Manager Media Relations
E-Mail: press@emva.org