First e-learning provider becomes full member of AUTOSAR
At the moment, two factors slow down the development of modern mobility concepts: The lack of electronic components and the lack of knowledge in this domain. Experienced developers of automotive control units might not be familiar with the technologies behind e-mobility; people with an electrotechnical background in contrast might be lacking knowledge on the standardized software architecture of the automotive field.
This is where the e-learnings of the Embedded Academy come into play: A straightforward module structure allows to process the technical contents step by step and highlights important connections. Quizzes and exercises are interspersed between new content to allow learners to keep track of their learning process. The modules adhere to the newest didactical criteria and incorporate diverse multi-media technologies. Moreover, the learners can determine their own speed of learning and adjust their learning schedule to their available time.
For development engineers in the field of the electrified powertrain, the Embedded Academy e-learnings already serve as a benchmark. AUTOSAR shares this opinion and therefore welcomed Eclipseina as one of their associate partners. This guarantees Eclipseina unlimited access to all AUTOSAR standards, which in turn ensures extensive up-to-date AUTOSAR e-learnings.
A great advantage of the Embedded Academy e-learnings is that learners are not required to buy individual modules, but instead can choose between a monthly or yearly subscription with unlimited access to all available trainings. This subscription model not only supports the ability to think outside the box, which has become increasingly important in the context of interconnected mobility as developers of modern control units are nowadays required to have additional knowledge on topics such as data safety and security. It also allows learners to steadily enhance their knowledge in a rapidly changing world. The contents are available in German and English, cancellation is possible at any time.
Currently Embedded Academy e-learnings for the following topics are available: Automotive Spice (development process of embedded systems in the automotive field), AUTOSAR (software architecture of control units in vehicles), electrified powertrain, EV charging communication, basics of embedded software development, vector control and cryptography.
Trailers and further information on e-learning contents are provided on the Embedded Academy website as well as a free sample lesson on AUTOSAR basics to try out the Embedded Academy e-learning experience
Besides e-learnings, the Embedded Academy portfolio also includes classroom seminars in the training center in Regensburg or in-house seminars at the customer’s location.
For further information visit https://embedded-academy.com
Eclipseina GmbH from Regensburg lays the foundations for embedded software developers to entirely concentrate on their core tasks:
• With well-thought-out seminars on systems engineering, software project management, and testing in the Embedded Academy.
• With practical advice on efficient development processes as well as for functional safety according to IEC 61508 or ISO 26262.
• With sophisticated products such as the EC-LIB, the extensive, tested and comprehensively documented library of mathematical-electrotechnical functions in C for fixed-point arithmetic.
Eclipseina GmbH
Bernsteinstraße 4c
93152 Nittendorf
Telefon: +49 (9404) 3004160
Telefon: +49 9922 1033
E-Mail: tw@robologs.com