Mobile & Verkehr

Future Ahoy! – Infographic novel about sustainable tansport is now available in English

"Abgefahren!", the award-winning infographic novel about sustainable transport by the think tank Agora Verkehrswende and the stragegic agency Ellery Studio, is now also available in an English edition with the title “Future Ahoy!”. The book was presented to an international audience at the Transport and Climate Change Week 2021 ( The translation was made possible by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

"Future Ahoy!" is about a family in which three generations talk – and sometimes argue – about transport and mobility. The story offers many facts and infographics that explain the issues: from the city as a mobility commune to heaven and hell in vehicle automation, from the knight Don Nimbyxote and his fight against wind turbines to the family dog Rudi and his dream of an intact planet.

In this way, the infographic novel combines emotion with information and entertainment with political education. The aim is to reach a wider audience with the topic of “transport transformation” (German: Verkehrswende), beyond the small circle of experts. GIZ will use the product in its international cooperation projects on sustainable transport.

In August 2020, the German edition won a gold medal at the Malofiej Inernational Infographics Awards. The Malofiej Award is considered the world’s most prestigious commendation for infographics. In April 2021, the infographic novel also won gold in the book design category at the international Indigo Award.

Both editions, English and German, can be downloaded free of charge at Print copies can be ordered via

Agora Verkehrswende is a joint initiative of the Mercator Foundation and the European Climate Foundation.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Agora Verkehrswende
Anna-Luisa-Karsch-Str. 2
10178 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 7001435-000
Telefax: +49 (30) 7001435-129

Dr. Philipp Prein
Leiter Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (30) 70014353-05
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