IVK Europe: Ongoing shortage of raw materials and rising prices in the plastics industry
The difficult supply situation of raw materials in the plastics industry is still present. Plastic manufacturers are continuously faced by major challenges due to the severe shortage of important raw materials and continuing price increases. At the same time, the demand for packaging for medical devices and food applications is still very high. In addition, construction, automotive as well as furniture industries, IVK Europe’s key areas, are particularly affected by the situation.
The lack of available raw material combined with high demand has dramatic consequences: The supply can no longer be fully guaranteed in parts of the production. In some cases, these supply bottlenecks even lead to the temporary shutdown of production plants. In addition, plastics manufacturers need to cope with extreme price increases, especially for polymers and additives. There is no easing of the situation in the market in sight.
IVK Europe will continue to monitor the situation and related political courses of action.
IVK Europe represents the common interests of companies producing sheets made of plastic and caoutchouc for a multitude of applications. IVK Europe is the voice of its membersonpoliticalandsociallevel,inEuropeaswellasinthememberstates.Thefocus of the organization’s work is on pursuing the interests for the material PVC and its substitutes.
Industrieverband Kunststoffbahnen e.V.
60549 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (170) 801-4525