
STRABAG PFS receives European Brand Award

This year, the European Real Estate Brand Institute once again honoured STRABAG Property and Facility Services GmbH (STRABAG PFS) with the Real Estate Brand Award: as the best brand in Facility Management in Germany.

The strongest brands in the real estate industry were honoured yesterday at a hybrid event. Barbara Schöneberger and Harald Steiner, CEO of the European Real Estate Brand Institute GmbH hosted the gala live from Berlin.

Every year, the European Real Estate Brand Institute awards the strongest corporate brands in 14 categories. Last year, STRABAG PFS had already won the award in the category strongest Brand Growth in the area of Innovation.

Martin Schenk, as Chairman of the Management Board of STRABAG PFS, accepted the award via live stream and emphasised that the award was thanks to the employees who "do an excellent job every day in our customers‘ properties." The fact that STRABAG PFS offers an outstanding working and development environment is also reflected by the award as "Top Employer Germany 2021", which the multi-service provider received in February 2021, as in the years before.

Über die STRABAG Property and Facility Services GmbH

STRABAG Property and Facility Services (STRABAG PFS) is a leading real estate and industrial service provider that supports its customers along the entire value chain and offers intelligent services for all types of real estate and property – from offices, industrial sites and plants, technology buildings and data centres to residential properties. Its service portfolio comprises real estate management; commercial, technical, and infrastructural facility management; construction in existing buildings and specialist industrial services. What distinguishes us, is a high level of vertical integration and services individually tailored to the customer, sector, and location. Besides Germany, STRABAG PFS also operates in Austria, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. Please visit:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

STRABAG Property and Facility Services GmbH
Europa-Allee 50
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 13029-0
Telefax: +49 (69) 60608-1009

Gabriele Renard
Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 (69) 13029-1122
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